Mom here: The Wildfires have missed my family home place. They have been north and east or south and east and moving to the east. My sister said the smoke was so bad last night that she coughed all night. We have been lucky so far, but the temps are reaching 100 and the humidity is at 7% and the wind always blows.
Here in the Dallas area, we are getting some smoke but no fires.
The Zoolatry Girls Mom Ann made the wonderful graphic.
This is so rare for Angel and Mac to share. They stayed that way for hours with out any growling or hissing!
We are purring for all of you in Texas and hope the fires are under control real soon. How scary!!
they sense something is going on, some how they can tell when things just are not right take care and stay safe
We are so worried about all our Texas kitty friends. We are glad that thinkgs are ok for you and your family so far and we are purring and praying it stays that way for you and we hope that there will be rain there soon to help things calm down.
Those wildfires sound really scary! We are definitely purring for all those affected!
I am purring for all of you in Texas straight away, I hope all are safe. and paws cross for everything is under control.
We are glad you are safe and we are purring for our Texas friends.
Glad the fires have spared you - sending lots of purrs that you all will be safe.
We are purring for the fires to stop and that you all continue to be safe from them!
We're purring for everyone there too! I can't imagine how scary that is!
We will be purring and praying that the fires get put out!
Our ♥s are with all those in Texas.
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