Thursday, December 19, 2019

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our friends.  

We have not been around for a long time.  Mom just has not has the mojo to do any thing for a couple of years.  Just about the time we think she is up to blogging, she has a down cycle. Today she is fighting a headache and could not remember how to create a new post.  

We did get Christmas cards  and Secret Paws Package mailed.  However, Mom forgot to to put a card in the package so the receiving kitties would know who it is from!

We are all as healthy as we could expect  for two older kitties living with a youngster.  Kirby's diabetes is under control for which we are all thankful. Angel is 12 and still looks and acts like a kitten!  She and Max still do not get along well but have learned to tolerate each other.
Max is still spraying, but not as much. 

We have a 22 year old grandson living with us  and it has made a world of difference in the social interactions with all of the cats, They all love him and will allow him to pet and pick them up.   he has to make sure they are all out of his room when he closes the door to go to collage!