WE told Mom we wanted to go to Houston to KC's Cinco de Mayo party. She agreed
we could go after we went to Forty Paws birthday party.
Mom: It is a hard day and weekend to party for me. I lost my Mom one year go today and she was laid to rest Mother's Day weekend! It is so hard to believe that it has been a year!
We're sending your mom lots of soft purrs and kitty kisses and universal Light. You guys make sure you give her extra love!
-Fuzzy Tales
Lots of purrs and great big hugs to your Mom.
Purrs and hugs to yur Mom.
~Meeko, Kiara, and fambly
We're very sorry this is a sad time for your mom. We understand how it is. Hugs, purrs and tail wags to her!
What a sad weekend for your human! Purrs to her.
Our thoughts to you-Purrs.
A ton of my purrs and warm hugs to your mom.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! KC's party is a blast!!
We send your mom comforting purrs today.
I know how hard this must be for you on Mother's Day. It's the same for me on Thanksgiving Day.
It's hard enough losing your mother, but to have it marked by a holiday is even worse. At least that is my opinion.
I lost my mother in 1997. We were so close it was like losing both a mother and a best friend. I still have moments where I start to go call her on the phone.
If you want to email me, use kc AT catblogosphere DOT com.
I lost my mum 5 years ago, so we understand how you feel. For me though, the first year was the worst, and now instead of crying when I think about my mum, I smile instead. So for mothers day, I make sure I get myself a small gift, my mum would like me to have a nice lunch out, some flowers or a new book.
Big hugs
Julie and Poppy Q
That's gotta make for a bitter-sweet Mother's Day. Purrrrrss and {{{huggss}}}} to you.
Purrrrrs and Hugs to your Mom!! We will be praying for you this weekend!!
((((HUGGGGSSSSS))))) from your TX furiends,
We're sending lots of purrs for your Mom. Maybe she could take that day to start a journal in memory of her mother, or even better maybe a quilt that could become a family heirloom.
Oh we are so sorry about this being a hard weekend for you. Our mom has a hard time with Mothers Day weekend too with her mom gone, but it has to be even hard to fall on the same day. We are sending her tons of purrs and hugs.
And we hope you kitties had a good time at the Cinco De Mayo parties because that will help you to make your mom feel better this weekend.
Give your mommy some extra love over the weekend, will ya?
We send our loads of love too!!
Purrs to your mom, and big hugs too.
Sorry we missed the cinco de mayo party. Mom made us miss it again.
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