Lilly Lock and the Feline Five gave us the Kreative Blogger award
We're supposed to list six things that make the us happy and six blogs to receive this award... We have agreed on the six things!
1. Plenty Crunchy food
2. Our green quilt on Mom's bed
3. Feather and mouse toys
4. NIP
5. Being brushed and petted
6. Temptations
And the six blogs are:
1. Samson and Delilah
2. Elephant's Upstairs
3. Noll
4. Pippin, Turtle, and Ava
5. Poppy Q
6. Rufus
Then Krazy Kitty Rants gave us the Friendship Rose award.

We will pass this to some of our first friends in the Blog world!
1. Max Psychoitty
2. Darling Millie
3. Lilly, Iris and Maxie
4. The Cat Realm
5. Samantha and Mr. Tigger
If you have already received these awards, sorry! If you are on break from your Blog, enjoy your time away!
Congrats on the awards kitties.We liked the things that make us happy list.
Concats on those very well deserved awards!
Concatulations! Yoo gots sum great awardies.
Congratulations on your awards and thank you for awarding us :)
Congratulations on your awards. You have a real nice site here. Mom said we used to have bunnies where we used to live but I didn't see any. Just deer, turkeys and foxies. Here all we see is ducks and geese. Thank you for visiting our site.
Congrats on those awards!
Congratulations on your lovely awards:) Have a wonderful Easter!
Concats again!!!
Congratulations on the awards!
Those are well-deserved!
Hahaha - I just read what the Creek Cats wrote - concats! Very funny. Well, this dawg says concats too on your awards! It's very nice to meet you!!
Congratulations on your awards! You should be one proud kitten!
Congratulations on your awards, so well deserved! And thank you so much for passing the Friendship Rose on to us, we very much appreciate it, thank you!
We hope to post about it right after Easter - but theses days, with the kind of help we got - you never know!
And Wednesday we'll have a party - it's our second blogoversary, we hope you'll come by!
The Cat Realm
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