To celebrate, Romeo and FURminator, Inc. are sponsoring the “Who’s Your Favorite Furball?” contest.
The winner will receive a free FURminator deShedding Tool and will also see their favorite, funniest, furriest furball featured on PeolpePets and popular pet blogs across the Internet.
Entering is easy!
1. Visit Romeo and click on the FirstGiving link to donate $1 (or more if you choose!) to Romeo’s FURPOWER beneficiary of the month, Kitten Rescue of Los Angeles.
2. Submit your favorite, funniest, furriest furball photo (cats only, please!) via email to romeo at romeothecat dot com and tell us how winning a FURminator deShedding Tool will change your life (and your furball’s life!). Make sure to include the following information:
• Your Favorite Furball’s name
• How winning a FURminator deShedding Tool will change your life (and your furball’s life!)
• Your name
• Your email address
• What name you used with your FirstGiving donation
Entries must be submitted by 9 p.m. EST Thursday, April 23, 2009.
3. A Favorite Furball gallery will be posted on Romeo leading up to the big announcement.
4. The winner will be selected via a random drawing.
5. The winner will be announced on Romeo , PeoplePets and participating blogs at 12 p.m. EST Friday, April 24, 2009.
Contest parameters:
• Contest is only open to cats (sorry doggies!)
• Entrants must be located in the U.S. or Canada
• Entries must be submitted by 9:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 23, 2009
• Entrants agree to allow their photo to be posted on participating blogs
If you have additional questions, please contact romeo at romeothecat dot com.
Good luck!
In other news, Mom is going to be gone all day! We wont get to visit till late tonight!
We are promoting this contest too! We sure hope Romeo raises lots of green papers for kitten rescue!
I'm promoting this contest and participating. If anyone understands hairballs, I do!
Wow, it looks like a lot of us are participating - we are promoting it on our blog too!
Although this is a good cause I'm kind of worn out from contests. That Kitty Fight Club is getting to me! A Furminator would be neat though as I'm quite the floofball... : )
Purrs, Siena
We have it in our sidebar! But we don't ever have problems with hairballs - except Mrs. OZ sometimes produces SUCH big ones - OMG - we wonder how she can even do it....
We eat lots of grass, and Luna helps herself to salad from the garden - we think that might do the trick....
yes, hope this helps a lot of kittens out.
We're gonna post about the contest tomorrow! What a great way to raise $$$ for a good cause!
Hairballs are very important parts of our lives. Thanks for letting us know about this contest!
Hi you two!
We're also promoting this contest and we think it's a great cause so let's hope it's a big success!
Hello Angel! We hope to win this tool real bad for our Hunny Bunny cuz she is so matted from winter. I want to come by and tell you how much it means to me that you care so much. When you come for a visit, my tiny heart smiles. I wish I could have more energy to return the visits, but I am still recovering, nicely I might add thanks to all the love and purrrrs.
Furry purrrrs from Miss Peach
This is awesomeness... hairballs are PURRty awful... KUDOS to all of you!
Hi there, you're so good to visit us often, but can you also email us please cause we have a pikshur we made to send to you...
Maggy & Zoey at Zoolatry...
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