Monday, September 30, 2024

 Hello!  Mom promised me I could introduce the brats.   OOPs, sorry Mom.  The kittens. They were born on April 8 2024 and came to us on July 8th.

This was Socks.   Mom kept calling her Spot! 

This was Purril.

Mom never got her name right! Then she was Whisper because she was just a tiny whisper of a cat.

Mom came in from a sewing class and declared, I know who you are!


She picked up Socks/Spot and told her, her new name is COCO.

Then she picked up Purril/Whisper and told her her name is YUMYUM


We thought she was crazy until she explained where the names came from!

Author Lilian Jackson Braun  wrote 29 books that the titles all started out, THE CAT WHO.

The Siamese cats in the books were Coco and YumYum.

Mom either read or listened to all of the books, several times.

It took me about a month to decide if I liked them or not. Don't tell Mom, but I do like them. 

We have sniffed each other all over, cuddled together, and played together.  Mom insisted that they were girl kittens because, the only male cat I loved was Wizard and I tolerated Kirby.


Mom finally got cuddle Lap kitties! I have never been a cuddlier or lap kitty! That was Wizards game.  Even after 16 years, I will only stand on the couch or bed and beg for pats!  I always get them too.   These silly kittens will crawl up on her chest and lay down.  There are times she wanted to get up and do things, but sis not want to disturb a kitten.

During this time our Dad got really ill.  On the 26th, He crossed the rainbow bridge to find Wizard, Mac, Max and Kirby and a whole lot of others.

We will write more about these monkeys later,

Friday, August 16, 2024

Happy Birthday Angel

 We don't know her actual birthday but we chose this day for her.  She is 16 today.  She is still going strong and still a little shy.  She will never be a lapcat or a cuddle cat, but she is very affectionate.  She lays on the foot of the bed and stands by me on the couch or bed and begs for pats and scratches.

Since she has lost four brothers we felt she needed some female companions.  Enter Coco and Yumyum.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024




His bags were packed and he was ready to go.  He ask me to get him a ticket on the 4 p.m.  express.  We took him to the station and saw him off.   


We know Kirby was waiting for him with all that went before and many friends from the blog world.

 He was 13 years old.

Rest in Peace sweet boy.  We love you and miss you.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Secret Paws

 MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Sorry we are a couple of days late.  It has been crazy around here.











Max is sick.  He has a heart mummer and CKD.  He has lost 5 pounds in the last 18 months!  The Vet pot him on wet food and he has not eaten in 3 days.  I felt sure he would eat eventually, but he does not like wet food.  We have dry on the bottom of the bowl, on top of the wet food, and mixed then together.  He will est a bite or two and walk off. His Dad gave up waiting and went back to wet. I know he needs the hydration he gets from wet, but he also needs to eat.

What else is going on?  Last summer, out giant Oak tree started shedding branches.  One went through the window of our Collage Grandson, he lives with us.  It took all of the upper glass and warped the frame just enough  that we could not get glass back in it. The middle of October, we hired a window company to replace all of the forty year old windows!  They said four to six weeks.  I expected it would be Thanksgiving week.  They called us on Tuesday before Thanksgiving and needed to re measure the windows.   It seems we do not have standard windows. One slides left and right. The three in the bedrooms were all the same. The two in the living room were the same but different from the bedrooms.The three in the Craft/studio were all alike, but different from all the others.   They had to custom make them. 

We got a call on Tuesday before Christmas wanting to do the work on Friday, December 22.  That was not a good day for us because of appointments. So we set it up for Saturday. three days before Christmas!..  All of the furniture had to be moved three feet out from all the windows. Our daughter and  her family came on Friday to help us deconstruct the house.  Computers, TV, couch, Beds, and shelving units had to be moved.    Angel and Max were very upset by all of this, as we humans were too. The installers were wonderful folks.  There were two guys and one of their wives.  They worked from nine a.m. until 7p.m.

We had to provide a drop light so they could see to finish.  It starts getting dark at 5:30! 

 As you can imagine, Sunday was spent moving every thing back where it belonged.  

Christmas day was spent with Our daughters house to watch the youngest grandson and the great grandson open packaged.  They live an hour north of us! So it was another long day for us. 

We slept till 2:pm on Boxing day! I think we caught up on rest and sleep! Today we finally got to open our Secret Paws package



 Max started to sniff and scratch it first!

Max selected Holiday treats!

Angel picked Original flavored Party Mix!

Angel had to check out Mom's cup!

Thank you Noelle, Reesie, Periwinkle and Stinky, and Mom Sharon.  We really enjoyed our gifts.

We hope you liked yours!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The HOTS have arrived

 It is so hot here all we want to do is nap.  At 6:30PM, it was 97 degrees but it felt like 117! It may be that way all week! 

Angel asks that you disregard the condition of her scratching post! 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thanks, Swcret Paws and Life



 Angel here.   We want to thank everyone for all the thoughts, prayers and cards when Kirby left us.  We miss him so much.  Mom was so use to him meeting her at the door so he could run outside, that she still hesitates when she opens it.  He loved going outside when she out for the mail. 

Christmas:  That boy loved Christmas.  He would play in the wrapping paper as the grand kids ripped it off.  When our Secret Paws came every year, he would paw and claw at it till Mom let us open it.  This year it was so different.   Our Secret Paws Partner was Paw News for Cat Lovers  by BJ Bangs.  Mom called us to come help open the package and I would not come out of the bedroom!  Max joined her for a sniff and walked away. 


 Usually Max always picked out his toy and left the rest to us.  I finally came out after Christmas and looked  and sniffed at the toys and went on my way.   It was not the gift, it was because we were missing our brother!



After that Max started playing with them! Mom finds them all over the house!  And so did I . Wand toys are great!


 Mom got a book by BJ Bangs.  


She attempted to read it to us, but we're cats, you know, and would not sit still to listen!  Thank you  for the lovely fun gifts.

Tuesday was Kirby's 12th gotcha day.  Mom did not want to get out of bed to post about it.  And then her Great Grandson made an early and abrupt entrance into the world.  He was 9 or 10 weeks early but came out screaming! 2 lb.s 6 oz.s and 14 inches long.   He and his Mom are doing great.  They have her blood pressure under control now.  He is breathing on his own and has a feeding tube for breast milk.  It will probably be 2 or 3 months (when he gets out of NICU) before we get to see him!

Monday, December 6, 2021



  Thank you Ingrid.