Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wordy Wednesday

Kirby (in front) Mom make Angel move!  She is in my space!
Angel (in back)  Me move!  Ha!  I was here first!  I will burn holes in your b...

Mom:  Angle, keep it clean and remember you are a lady!

Do you know Bugsy and Knuckles at Max the Quilt Cat? Their Mom ,HH, is a painter ans she is in a challenge of 30 paintings in 30 days! She has painted many of our friends and today she painted Wizard.   He was here when Angle first came.  Mom still misses her boy! 

On another note, We were with out cable, TV, internet and phone for 24 hours. But at least it was not the three days we were told it would be!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Angle was LOL'ed

Wendy has done it again!  She LOL'ed our last post! 

Nope!  There's no stigma up this girl's ass -- that's fur sure!

We always love it when Wendy features us!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mancat Monday

 Mom?  What came in this box? 

A stool for the sewing room?  You are teasing, right?  This box is not big enough for me!  How could you fit on a stool that was in it? 

Kirby!  Be nice to Mom!  She gives out the treats!  It was a folding stool!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Stop and smell the roses!

We told Mom she needed to follow Angel's lead! 

These artificial roses are on top of Mom's thread cabinets!

Mom has been busy getting ready to teach a class on the folded table runner and we think she needs to take a long break!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

We can share!

 Mom and Dad were so good to the stray kitties that we wanted to be nice to them.  We shared the same plate with tuna juice! 

 Mom and Dad wasted a nice sunny and warm day yesterday.  They had planned to work on the kitty shelter outside. But they did not! They waited till today when it was 48 and the north wind was blowing 28 miles an hour!  The kitty shelter is a doghouse.  Mom had some old fleece that looked like a sheep fleece but was not.  She cut and glued it into the roof and sides of the base.

Then  Dad took bricks and insulation board and built a surround for the house!

 They made the roof so it would keep the food dish dry! 

It has a flap on the front, but with the bed and blankets in it, the flap would not move so Mom cut a hole in it.  It will help keep out some of the air.

Now if Mr Black will use it.  Ms Gray has made herself at home in the garage! 
Mom wishes Mr. Black would get tame. too!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuxie Tuesday

Angel  loves to nap on the folded up quilts! 

Kirby helping dad iron
 quilt pieces

Kirby showing off the latest finished product

you can see more about this on mom's quilting blog Yellow Mound Quilts

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Day Dilemma

Mom sitting at computer reading blogs hears bump, bump, bump.  'Kirby!  Just push the cat door open and go into the garage!  Stop banging it!'

Bump. Bump!  BUMP!   Mom looks over shoulder to see where he is and sees this!

What are you doing in there?   You got in on your own, you can get out on your own! 

Bump, bump BUMP! 

Mom?  Is it morning?  

Yes Kirby it is morning!

I guess I had too much nip last night! 

I guess you did.

Note from Mom:  He was not in the cabinet all night!  Just a few minutes