Mom's been tagged! So we will let her have the blog today.
The Monkeys, Samson and Delilah, tagged our Mommy with a game.
Here are the rules:
Either (1) post 7 facts about yourself AND photos OR (2) post 10 facts about yourself with no photos, OR (3) post a childhood picture of yourself.
I am going to do the first and third . I am not crazy about posting full face pictures of my family.
1. I was born and raised in a small Texas town. We lived in town but had a small farm with cows. I was grown and married before I remember leaving the state.
2. I was a wall flower and loner in school. The friends I had were 4 years or more younger than me.
3. I met my husband in Jr. Collage (Two year school, like community collage). We are still together after 40 years (March 2010), two kids, 7 grand kids, we are still happy.
4. I worked at a major electronics company for 33 years. I was pushed into retirement this February. Most days I enjoy it. Some are harder than others.
5. I Have been a Girl Scout leader for 33 years, too. I love camping, but most of the older girls do not. I also enjoy guiding girls along their path to adult hood. After 4 troops, it is so fun to see those little girls all grown up and meet them in the market.
6. I love to quilt. I am more of a piercer than a quilter. Some of you will knot the difference. A piercer makes the patchwork tops. A quilter stitched the pretty designs that hold the top, filler and back together. I also build miniatures, houses and furniture, do needle work, and read. Although my fancy embroidery machine has kept me from a lot of hand work.
7. I love my cats. I had a cat growing up. There were several that hung around the house but only one was my Mr.Jinx. Mom had a dog that loved the cat, too. I would end up with more cats than I can feed if my husband did not protest. He loves the ones we have but knows our limits.
Now for the childhood picture. As you can see I was born int the black and white era. the first color school picture was 5th grade and then they went back to B&W in 9th and 10th.
me at 1, at 12 pounds, I had tripled my weight.

at 4 or 5. I got my first haircut at 5. Mom had broken her leg and Dad got tired of fighting me to put it in a tail so he took me to the barber shop!

Me in first grade, all 26 inches and 20 pounds of me. Yes I was a very small kid. I am still considered short, but we won't discuss wide!