We got our package on Wednesday but Mom was too lazy to open it. We thought she was doing to make us wait till Christmas.

Angel: Look, Kirby, It has our names on it.
Kirby: Who's it from?

Angel. It says Darling Millie in the corner.
Kirby: Wow, she is a pretty Tuxie lady !
Angel: Lets get this open!

Kirby: Can I check in the package?

Kirby: We need to open the little packages!

Angel: Temptations! Beef and Chicken!
Kirby: Mouses and balls!
Angel: And a pretty card!

And a blue mouse just for me!
Kirby: Wait, did I say temptations? We want some!

Angel: May be I better check the package, too!

OK, All empty. I am taking my mouse in the sewing room to play! Thanks Millie and your Mom! We really like our presents!