The Monkeys, Samson and Delilah, tagged our Mommy with a game.
Here are the rules:
Either (1) post 7 facts about yourself AND photos OR (2) post 10 facts about yourself with no photos, OR (3) post a childhood picture of yourself.
I am going to do the first and third . I am not crazy about posting full face pictures of my family.
1. I was born and raised in a small Texas town. We lived in town but had a small farm with cows. I was grown and married before I remember leaving the state.
2. I was a wall flower and loner in school. The friends I had were 4 years or more younger than me.
3. I met my husband in Jr. Collage (Two year school, like community collage). We are still together after 40 years (March 2010), two kids, 7 grand kids, we are still happy.
4. I worked at a major electronics company for 33 years. I was pushed into retirement this February. Most days I enjoy it. Some are harder than others.
5. I Have been a Girl Scout leader for 33 years, too. I love camping, but most of the older girls do not. I also enjoy guiding girls along their path to adult hood. After 4 troops, it is so fun to see those little girls all grown up and meet them in the market.
6. I love to quilt. I am more of a piercer than a quilter. Some of you will knot the difference. A piercer makes the patchwork tops. A quilter stitched the pretty designs that hold the top, filler and back together. I also build miniatures, houses and furniture, do needle work, and read. Although my fancy embroidery machine has kept me from a lot of hand work.
7. I love my cats. I had a cat growing up. There were several that hung around the house but only one was my Mr.Jinx. Mom had a dog that loved the cat, too. I would end up with more cats than I can feed if my husband did not protest. He loves the ones we have but knows our limits.
Now for the childhood picture. As you can see I was born int the black and white era. the first color school picture was 5th grade and then they went back to B&W in 9th and 10th.
me at 1, at 12 pounds, I had tripled my weight.

at 4 or 5. I got my first haircut at 5. Mom had broken her leg and Dad got tired of fighting me to put it in a tail so he took me to the barber shop!

Me in first grade, all 26 inches and 20 pounds of me. Yes I was a very small kid. I am still considered short, but we won't discuss wide!

It's so nice to hear about the Human Mommies/Daddies! Congrats on your many years of marriage. That's awesome! The pictures are wonderful!!! Thanx for sharing and hope you all have a great Monday!
The Kool~Kittie~Krew's Mom,
PS...That's very nice of you guys to allow mom the post today!
We are so enjoying all the information on different humans.
What a fun meme! It wuz nice learning more about yer Mom! Congratulations on finding happiness at such a young age!
Good stuff on the mom! Cute pics too. Such fun to read about the beans behind the kitties.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Those are great pics of your mom. Great to know something about her!
Those are very interesting facts about you Angel's and Kirby's mom. We like the pictures of you too.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
I have really been enjoying learning more about all of the catmoms out there! Your b&w photos are so cute!
So great to learn more about you!! 40 years of marriage, wow! That is amazing! We just love black and white photos!!
Thanks for sharing! It's been a blast getting to know all the different beans.
Oh that was fun! You were a cute kid!! Our mom was born in the black and white era too! Our mom was a Girl Scout many years ago! She loved it!!
This is such a great meme!
Congratulations on the 40 years of marriage! In this day and age, that's a real accomplishment.
It's great to get to know the people behind the cats :)
LOvely to hear about the mums behind the cats. I did mine yesterday. Congrats on being so happy after all these years.My mum and dad were married 63years when dad died.
Love the haircut, it suits you.
Thanks for showing.
Hugs Carol and GJ xx
Oh, that's very interesting. We didn't imagine you so fair somehow. Funny thing! Thank you for telling about you.
It is interesting all those facts about you. Thank you for sharing! You were a real cute child! My mom was born when there were B&W photos too!
Great info and wonderful pictures!
I loved getting to know your Mommy better! She was a very pretty little girl!
That is some great info and wonderful pictures! My boyfriend just got back from Texas yesterday (San Antonio) and he loves it there.
Our momma says that you are a very and very brave momma to tell all about yourself and to show your photos! You are momma's hero!
What neat piccys! Yer mom bean was a tiny blurp, huh?
...LUV your Mom...she has such a ~*sparkle*~ in her eyes...
Great post... it's nice to get to know the paws-behind-the-scenes a bit better!
Hey, congratz on keeping it together for 40 years. Not an easy thing in this day & age. Your Mom and ours are about the same age. Ours was born in the black & white time too.
hehe... Not short to me Nanna! Just to these being boys!
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