Thursday, July 2, 2009

Treat Thursday

Angel: Yesterday's picture I looked like I was upset or mad. Mom had woken me up to take my picture and after three, I was tires of the flashy box. That is all, nothing more.

Kirby: I promise I did not eat all of Angel's share of the crunchies. I do get a little excited and want to eat her stinky goodness at night, but Mom and Dad make sure he is through before I clean her plate.

Angel: We have told you before that I like to play in the garage. It is like going outside to me. I can smell the fresh air under the big door. Kirby was not allowed cause he tends to get over excited and gets into things he should not.

Kirby: I know, I just can't help it. There is so much to see and smell. I was told that I could go out when I turned one. That was almost a month ago.

Angel: Be fair, you have been going out with me for weeks! He won't go out with out the lights on! Great big man cat that he is.

Kirby: Mom! She is laughing at me again! Any way, I have been going out and exploring. I have only knocked one thing down that made a loud noise. It is fun and Angel is right. If the light is not on, I will stand on the step till Mom or Dad turns the light on and then I am off to play .

Angel: When Wizard was here, Dad installed a cat door into the garage. It only lets us back into the house. It use to let us out and back in but Dad was afraid that we would be out in the garage when he came home from work and opened the door and either get scared or run out.
Wizard taught me how to use the door to come in. I have attempted to teach Kirby. Mom has opened the flap and pushed his head through.

Kirby: Sorry! I am not having any of that! I put all four paws on either side of that flap and put a stop to that!

Angel: Even Dad tried to show him and he set his breaks, again. So we go out, and when I am ready I come in and leave him out there. Mom and Dad have to remember to let him in.

Kirby: I try to call to them but you know my voice is so sweet and soft they cannot hear me. So I decided to knock on the flap. It bounces and Mom can hear it. She usually opens the door and lets me in. Last night I knocked and the flap bounced. Mom came over and told me to knock again. I did and the flap flipped enough that Mom grabbed it. Then Dad shook the treat can. I could not resist it! I shoved my head in and my tail followed in a big hurry! I was afraid it should close on me and trap me half in and half out.

Angel: Kirby, you are such a goof! It has never trapped me and it won't trap you!

Kirby: Well, you never know! Any way, We got to share treats cause I was a good boy and knocked to be let in!

Angel: We got treats cause you came through the cat door, goof!

Kirby: oh. Strangely, neither Mom or Dad had a flashy box in their hand to get pictures so we got treats again this afternoon.


Noll's Nip said...

We love the garage too cause it smells "untamed" out there.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad that you don't eat all the food. I got in trouble for doing that a few times...

The Kitty Krew said...

MOL You two are so funny! We're glad you managed to find your way back inside, Kirby!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Monkeys said...

We wish we had a gargage! We live in an apartment building and the furthest we've ever been is down the hall to the elevator :)

Unknown said...

Mom: Kirby, I know Shadow would tell you job well done if she felt up to it at the moment

The kitties over at Our family cat-a-blog said...

Isn't it something what a kitty will do for treats☺

quiltcat said...

Kirby, see, it's well worth your while to learn how to use the cat flap! Meowmy's sister lets her cats out in the garage...they've learned that by annoyingly plucking at the metal weatherstripping under the door she'll let them back in the house in a hurry!

Reese =^..^= said...

You two are silly.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Are you getting ready to touch noses in that photo?

You are lucky to have a garage. Here our garage was turned into an extra bedroom.

Forever Foster said...

Hooray for extra treats!

Cat with a Garden said...

Kirby, we don't have a cat door and we admire you for figuring out how to use yours. They must be quite tricky! You two are having a good time, eh?!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Poppy Q said...

I am sick of the flashy box too.

A cat door - what fun. Mine goes from the kitchen to the outdoors.

Whitey said...
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Whitey said...

The sound of the Treat Bag being shook is a powerful thing, isn't it, Kirby?! I have already learned to recognize when Mom just opens the Treat Cabinet door!

Gandalf and Grayson have been using cat doors since "the beginning" of being Gotcha'd. Gandalf figured it our first, even though he was a tiny kitten and a few days later Grayson figured it out. They have 2 cat doors at their house but there isn't one at the swamp yet so I have not seen one. I bet I can do it, too!

Parker said...

Now your garage sounds like a fun place to explore!

The Island Cats said...

I'm always trying to get into the garage...but mom never lets me...RATS!!!


CCL Wendy said...

Kirby, you're not the only one that is a bit trepidacious about going through kitty doors. We have a door like that to our basement, with the flaps and it took a while before out kitties were comfortable with it.

The lure of the treats was too strong, and you found your way back in! Good for you!

And Happy 4th of July, too!

Anonymous said...

We wub be a little bit scared if we was locked out too. Whew, it was gud to be let back in Kirby.

Anonymous said...

I never been outside before sounds like fun.Hope you have a very safe and Happy 4th of July....Hugs