Friday, July 31, 2009

Finally Friday

Well, Mom did not find her Electric Quilt disc. She looked every where she could and even looked in the freezer as Taylor Catssss suggested. I know it is weird, but Mom has done stranger things! (like putting the butter in the pantry and the bread in the fridge). She contacted the EQ company and she can get a replacement CD for a nominal fee( about a quarter of the original) . But she did get a lot of reducing the stuff taken care of. That seems to be one oh her goals this year.

She did find the directions to our outside play pen and pink Kitty tower. They had a web site and customer service hot line. Just as we suspected they are products.

Angel was so tired from helping yesterday that she is taking a nap. Mom made a pie for daughter's graduation party. They put the pink towel in the box to transport it. It came home this week and it makes a neat nap spot.

Kirby is doing his usual mid afternoon project. hiding. He is no where to be found!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, sounds like mom's hunt wasn't all in vain. She accomplished a lot. And you definitely need a nap after all that help.

After you were there, we posted added a security warning for Internet Explorer and Firefox's Adobe Flash that just came out. We just updated Flash in both of our browsers. But you might have already heard of this today.

Anonymous said...

Too bad she couldn't find the disk. As soon as the replacement comes, she'll find it (really, you guys will show her where it is. That's how us cats roll..) LOL Looking forward to seeing your completed tower! Sounds exciting! You have a lovely nap box now!!! Enjoy your weekend!

Sniffs & Scratches~
The Kool~Kittie~Krew

Amy & the house of cats said...

It is too bad your mom didn't find the disc but at least she is able to get a replacement.

That box looks like a great place to nap. It looks just like a kitty bed!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Glad your mum got a lot done. I love that preety pink sleeping box, you should keep it.

Hugs GJ x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looks a great place to nap when you are worn out.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Well, heck...the freezer is usually where Mommy leaves stuff! We don't know why and we don't ask! :)

Love, uSSSSS

Thank you for the message you left on the blog for me about my Mother's birthday. You made me feel much better.

Love, Auntie Deb

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry your mom couldn't find her least she's able to get another one! After all that need a nap!

Reese =^..^= said...

Looking for things is exhausting!

Chrissie said...

My mom has done the SAME THING! She's torn the house up looking for a CD like that..I always try to help her but she says I'm getting in the could that be?

Motor Home Cats said...

We are sorry your mom couldn't find the disc she wanted. At least she got something from her list accomplished tho. We are glad she is able to get a replacement.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Anonymous said...

We like your new nap spot. Wasn't it kind of your momma to share it with you.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Summer Thyme wants you to come and cuddle for a while!!!!


Love, uSSSSS

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It sounds like your mom got lots accomplished, and I'm sure the EQ disc will be found as soon as the new one arrives. You look very sweet napping in that box.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Your momma is a furry good hunter.

quiltcat said...

Oh, our Meowmy feels sympathy for your Mom not being able to find her EQ disk...and would like to know what kind of quilt she's planning! You look very sweet in your new nap box, Angel.