The first box picture Mom found was the last picture she took of Wizard. He and Angel are sharing a Tyson's Chicken box. It was closed on all sides but one and made a perfect place to nap.
Angel's boxes:

Kirby's Boxes:

Illyana's boxes:

Cats sharing boxes:
Angel and Kirby not really sharing!

Angel and Illyana almost sharing

And last of all here is a cat in a box but our Mom does not know which one of it is!
Angel or Kirby? We don't know either!
It was nice to see Wizard again. We will never, ever be able to tell Angel and Kirby apart!
Wow! You have some good boxes--and you even share some of them!
Happy International Box day!
Oh, you got lots of great box pictures!
We see dat youz momma is biggie for alla' youz kittiez sharing! Dat is kewel☺
Pawesome. You have such fun with your boxes. We've never had our picture taken when we get to play with one :(
I like the last picture best..who's that Cat-in-the-Box? We'll never know!
Those are all great but I have to say I love the picture of Kirby and Illyana in a box. they look cute together.
You guys are so cute in your boxes! I really liked the Wizard and Angel box and Kirby and Illyana! So sweet
Lots of good box shots.. I love the cuddly sharing one...
Hugs GJ xx
cute pictures you said you saw some on my reader, what is that I really don't know what I am doing half of the time
What a great selection of boxes. It was lovely to see dear Wizard:)
Hmmm! That last photo may forever be a mystery!
Happy International Box day!
Wow, you guys have lots of box pics! They are great!
Happy Box Day!
Wow! Lots and lots of boxes!
Excellent collection of cat in box pictures!
Great box photos!
So many wonderfur pictures of all of you wif boxes!
Those were some very sweet photos!
Aww! I love all the boxed kitties, but the ones where you and Illyana are snuggling is the bestest.
I guess she's probably gone by now -- sorry if I hit a sore spot.
Anyway, you guys really did it up big for International Box Day -- congrats!
LOL!!!!!!!!!! WONDERFUL!
I love how cats love boxes!
Scooter loves his, he's had the same for a few years now. It's the box my conputer came in so it's really strong. I cut a door out of the side so it has a roof. It has a big pillow inside.
What a collection of boxes you have...did you find any chik-hens in that Tyson's box?
Awww, great pics! We love the one of Illy and Kirby!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy
We're behind a bit, but love all the "boxed up beauties"... even
when you can't name one of them! (that sure gave us a good LOL)
Thanks for being part of box day...
It's nice to see a picture of Wizard.
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