Sunday, August 30, 2009

What's you doing?

Angel: Kirby, What's you doing down there?

Kirby: Nothing. What's you doing up there?

Angel: The same! I think I will go take a nap in Dad's closet.

Kirby: I think I will go hide from Mom.

Mom: And he did. One moment he was there and the next he had vanished!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Finally Friday

Kirby: We found a new window!
Angel: It has always been there! Mom just keeps the blinds all the way down.
Kirby: Why! I want to look out. She has the blinds party up in all the other windows!
Angel: AS if those blinds will stop you! I am telling you, she is coming. You are making too much noise!

Kirby: I don't care. Look at the kids out here!
Angel: Well, DUH! School started this week. The school is across the big busy street! The kids are walking to school.

Kirby: I must have been too busy in the spring to notice them!
Angel: DUH! you were just a baby, then! Hey, Kirby, what is that on your ear?
Kirby: Mom will be glad I removed all the cob webs!

Thanks for opening the blinds, Mom!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Turtle Time Thursday

Angel: Mom, what is turtle time?
Mom: In Girl Scouts, it is quite time, nap time, or rest time. You know, slow like a turtle.
Kirby: OK we like that! (Kirby wears a collar)
Angel: So what does this turtle have to do with it?

om: Nothing. This is a special turtle. Shadows Mom really likes turtles and she does not ask for things for herself often. We made it for her.
Kirby: He does not smell like nip!

Angel: Hey, Mom, What's with the eyes! Did you forget again!

Mom: No, I just leave the eyes till the last. I don't like all these creatures staring at me!

Kirby: OK, Mom, what ever! Now more about that Turtle Time......

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Award Wednesday

Mom is behind again! We got two awards to post.

Baby Patches at Confessions of the Plume gave me this award on August 15. Thanks Baby Patches.

It translates, “This Blog has Heart.” The rules say to pass it along to 6 other blogs. I passed dis lovely award to:

1. Tannie, Blackie, Miss Simba, THAT Little Bunny, and Daisy Jiji Zippity do dah at Whippy Curly Tails
2. Christopher at Christopher's Groove
3. Ash, Pinky and Boo at The Fine Felines
4. Freya at A cat called Freya
5. Boris at Big Bad Boris Kitty
6. Priscilla at Catsparella

Today , our friends at Kitty Krew gave us this award, "Oops I Ate It" award. Thank you, Bugsy, Sassy, Callie,Roxy, and Pixie.

The rules for this award are:

"When accepting this award you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans weren't watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must be a very good pup or kitty. You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward!!! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving them a message on their blogs."

This came at the right time. Last night Kirby got on the stove and stole a tortellini out of the pan on the stove (it was cold, no danger). He took it to the floor and gave it ti Angel, then got up again to get him one. I guess he wanted her to be in trouble, too. They did not like it after he went to the trouble of getting two.

We will nominate the following 5 blogs:

1. Willow at Willow's cat blog
2. Tucker, Benny and Sadie at It's all about cats

3. Smokey at A Little Place in Heaven because we know he has stolen food from the cabinets. We did not link to her blog. She is our Granddaughter Bean and is in an early collage program and does not have much time for her blog.

We know that is not 5 blogs but it is over 5 cats.

If you have already received these awards or do not have time to play, it is OK to pass.

Have a great day

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What we did yesterday

We played! With mouses! And them Mom finished sewing a turtle. She is trying to get a picture of us with it! It does not smell like cat nip, so lots of luck.

Angel and blue mouse

Kirby with blue mouse

Kirby(with collar) and Angel discussing blue mouse

Kirby with green rat.

Monday, August 24, 2009

ManCat Monday

What are we going to do today, Mom?

I don't know. Kirby. What do you think we should do?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Monkey time!

Angel: Mom and I have been working on this Monkey quilt all week. A lady Mom and Dad have worked with for 35 years wanted it for her brothers new grand son. Mom has been going crazy trying to get it just right.

Kirby: Mom is just crazy!

Angel: Kirby! That is not nice! You know Mom loves both of us. She just gets preoccupied when she has a big project going.

Kirby: Well, she kept talking about bananas! I thought she was going bananas which means crazy, right?

Angel: Here is the quilt. We are still hoping she makes us one out of the left overs. I don't think she will ever make another one like this, though!

Let me show you the Monkey up close. Mom and I just noticed that she still has to make an eye so the monkey can see the baby!

Now Kirby, about those bananas, Mom made her sewing machine stitch bananas in he red border!

Kirby: OK, I meant she is crazy fun! She needs another diet cherry coke. Let me get her one!

MOM! I think you are out of sodas!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

PLay Time

Angel was laying on the sewing table again today. She has started staying there most of the day. The monkey fabric was ordered in error. I thought I was getting flannel. When I contacted the company, they would take it back, but by then Angel and Kirby had claimed it with lots of pretty black furs. Oh, well. I guess I can make them a blanket out of it!

Tonight they are playing with the trimmings and strings from another baby quilt.

Angel watching Kirby over her shoulder. This is a funny pose I do not catch often.

Angel on the left end of a string and Kirby on the right.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuxie Tuesday

Mom is so fascinated by us being close and cuddly that she never gets tires of showing it. Most of our cuddle or bath times turn into wrestling and Mom thought Kirby always started it. Today she caught me putting a gentle bitey on Kirbsters head!

Kitty Kisses!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Why we almost missed Angels Birthday

Kirby: Mom and Dad went to the quilt show on Saturday. It was not very big, but they stayed all day. Mom bought 4 cups of Espresso and she does not even drink it!

Angel: They are really little quilt kits. Halloween Ornaments. Mom made them on Sunday. She said they were quick and fun.

A ghost and of course a black cat.

A bat and a witch. The witch had bat buttons for eyes and Mom did not like that. She laid the purple buttons on the face, but plans to get black ones.

Kirby: The Granddaughter Bean entered a quilt in the show. They had a category for under 17. She made the quilt in a class at the local Bernina shop. She was 14 when she made it.

For privacy, mom marked out her name and the cities.

Angel: Look, she got a ribbon. Mom said all of the kids got an honorable mention, except the first and second place winners and they got other ribbons.
The wife of one of Dads friends entered a quilt, too. Dad took a picture of it.

It's called Let's make Roses.

Kirby: This was Dad's favorite quilt.

Cross Roads of Texas. Dad had the camera and that is all the pictures he took. Mom and the Grand Daughter were looking at quilts and discussing boring things like Math, triangles, stripping, squares, you know, quilt stuff.

Mom: Several people wanted top know about the sewing machine that Kirby was displaying. It is a Bernina 200. I have had it several years. It does all kinds of fancy stitches and embroidery.
I made the lovies on it even the embroidered faces.

Angel: Mom, it is time to get back to the Monkey quilt!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mom hou could you!

Angel: Mom was not home all day yesterday! How could she be gone all day on my Birthday! They went to the quilt show ans left us home alone! On My Birthday!

Kirby: We did get a hew kind of food your your birthday. It was a different flavor of Science Diet. And it was so good we ate it all up and begged for more!

Angel: I know, but you got a party!

Kirby: Look here Angel! What is this?

Angel: A tuna Cake! For me!

Kirby: Yes big sister! just for you and your friends.

Angel: Thank you little brother!

Kirby: I fond the fresh nip hidden , too!

Angel: I want to tank every one that came by yesterday to wish me Happy Birthday. Have some nip and cake.

This is the gift Kirby gave me!

Midnight snuggles! I am holding my brother and we were asleep till Dad's phone flashed!

Mom: We were at the quilt show yesterday and then visited with our daughter and granddaughter. Tomorrow I will tell more about the show, GD and my machine! We really did not forget Angel's birthday, just ran out of time to post.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Finally Friday

Kirby: OK, Mom , no more sewing.

Angel: Time to play with the kitty's.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Who is in the window?

Who is on the window sill?

It's Kirby!
Mom! I was hiding and napping and enjoying the sunshine.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sorrowful Wednesday

He was loved by many! And will be missed by all who knew him.

Please send purrs to The Sherwood's

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our surprize special day

Kirby: Mom you bought treats! Is that why you were counting pennies?

Kirby : Can we have some?

Angel: Why Mom? What is the special day?

Mom: We made 200 posts! I know that is not many compared to some of your friends, but it is big for us!

Kirby: I even got to play with Dad! He shoots these foam disks and I chase them. Sometimes I bring them back.

Angel: I would rather have mote treats!

Mom: We did not make a post a day, but we did more we thought we could. We are planning for our blogoversery in Late September.

Check out round two of our LOL's at Wendy's LOL-Spot

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What is Mom doing and we've been LOL'd

Angel: Kirby, what is Mom doing?

Kirby: I don't know? I think I will help her.

Angel Go ahead: what ever is it, it is smelly!

Kirby: But it rattles and slides!

Kirby: Mom, What's you doing?

Mom: I am counting pennies.

Angel: Why. Mom?

Mom: I thought I might buy treats for a special day!

Kirby: What, Mom?

Mom: Wait till tomorrow!

Please check out Wendy's LOL-Spot! We have been LOL'd!

Sorry for the partial post earlier, Mom was having problems loading pictures!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

World Cat Day

We are celebrating World Cat Day

We are thankful for all out Cat friends and their loving families! Having a home and love and food makes the world go round

We are also purring and praying for all the kitties (and doggies) in shelters. We hope they can all get a new lease on life. We are very thankful for the no-kill shelters and wish all shelters were. WE are thankful for the rescue groups, TNR groups and good, generous people who pull together to help animals in need and their people, if they have them.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Laundry Day

We are helping Mom with the laundry.

Kirby in the towels

Angel in the basket

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We got an award

Faz gave us this award on August 5. We are not sure of the translation bur are going with Karen's"Your blog is like nectar."The rules are very simple: put the badge on your blog, link back to the person(s) who gave it to you and pass it along to five other bloggers. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I would like to pass this award on to:

1: Princesses the Cat
2: Poppy Q
3: Pucat
4: The City Kitty Gazette
5: Freya