Baby Patches at Confessions of the Plume gave me this award on August 15. Thanks Baby Patches.

It translates, “This Blog has Heart.” The rules say to pass it along to 6 other blogs. I passed dis lovely award to:
1. Tannie, Blackie, Miss Simba, THAT Little Bunny, and Daisy Jiji Zippity do dah at Whippy Curly Tails
2. Christopher at Christopher's Groove
3. Ash, Pinky and Boo at The Fine Felines
4. Freya at A cat called Freya
5. Boris at Big Bad Boris Kitty
6. Priscilla at Catsparella
Today , our friends at Kitty Krew gave us this award, "Oops I Ate It" award. Thank you, Bugsy, Sassy, Callie,Roxy, and Pixie.

The rules for this award are:
"When accepting this award you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans weren't watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must be a very good pup or kitty. You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward!!! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving them a message on their blogs."
This came at the right time. Last night Kirby got on the stove and stole a tortellini out of the pan on the stove (it was cold, no danger). He took it to the floor and gave it ti Angel, then got up again to get him one. I guess he wanted her to be in trouble, too. They did not like it after he went to the trouble of getting two.
We will nominate the following 5 blogs:
1. Willow at Willow's cat blog
2. Tucker, Benny and Sadie at It's all about cats
3. Smokey at A Little Place in Heaven because we know he has stolen food from the cabinets. We did not link to her blog. She is our Granddaughter Bean and is in an early collage program and does not have much time for her blog.
We know that is not 5 blogs but it is over 5 cats.
If you have already received these awards or do not have time to play, it is OK to pass.
Have a great day
Congrats on your awards! And we think it's pretty funny that you went through all that trouble to get a tortellini and then didn't like it!
Congrats on the awards!
I figured out how to get to your blog! We accept your nom-ination (get it?)! I will post about what the kitties have eaten. . we have a lot of stories!
Rene and clan
Congratulations on your awards.
Congratulations on your award!
Oh my!
You are so thougtful!
Thank you and congrats everyone.
Concats on your awards, furiends! We've never tried tortellini before, sounds yummy! Maya and Maggie May love mac n cheese!
Thank you so much for the award! You guys are so cute & awesome!! Tuxies 4life! Mwah! <3
Congrats on your award. The description of the tortellini heist made me smile :)
Congratulations on your well-deserved awards!
You had us at Tortellini!
ConCats on your awards!!! Kirby is one sneaky little guy!!! No one likes getting in trouble alone...
ConCats on your awards!!! Kirby is one sneaky little guy!!! No one likes getting in trouble alone...
Very cool awards. Yes, I have them, too! It's always wonderful to get new ones, though, isn't it?
You think your mom is behind? Not at all! My mom is the worst!
Congrats on your awards!
Congratulations on the awards and thank you for sharing with us.
Congrats on the Heart award (and of course the one we gave you ;) ). Funny about the tortellinis and you kitties not liking them after all that trouble... MOL
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
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