Friday, January 8, 2010

Firday update

Mom delayed her trip because of Kirby's vet visit and the cold. By the time they got back from the Vet, Mom would have been driving after dark in the below freezing weather so she waited til this morning.

Kirby update. Thank you all for the purrs! He does not have a UTI, nothing to do with the urinary tract. He had a bad case of 'nopoopatal' (constipation) like Mr Hendrix Baby Joel (#2) had! The vet gave him a sedative and resolved the problem. He made many enemys! They sent home home a little woozy and with prescription diet food. He gets more to eat than before! He is doing very well today and taking care of business in the box!

Not sure if he was embarrassed by this post or giving me the back of disrespect!

Update on my Mom. She will be going home tomorrow. That does not mean she is well it just means she wanted to go home and the doctor agreed to let her.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh no, we have missed some of what has been going on at your CatHouse. We are glad Kirby is ok! But is your mom ok? We will read more posts!
Purrs and hugs from all of us,

Anonymous said...

YAY, that's PAwesome-ish news! Thanks goodness that's all it was. Now, he's gonna be a Poopin' Pro!!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Kirby, we are relieved to hear you are well on your way to recovery...and hey, more food???? That's great!!!!!

We hope your mom's mom will continue to get better every day.......being home should help her a lot. xxxxxxx to all of you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am quite glad that he is doing better now! YEAH!.

We hope that your Mom does continue to get better.

JC said...

I am so glad he is home and on the mend.

I also hope your Mom gets better.

Remember, take care of yourself.

Noll's Nip said...

Whew! I had constipation too when my pancreas was inflamed. I feel your pain buddy!!! Hope you have some forward movement on that front in the very near future.

SeaThreePeeO said...

We're glad that Kirby is okay and we hope he feels better soon!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are glad to hear that Kirby is doing better today. We totally get why he is not showing his face in the picture though!

We hope that your mom is going to be ok - we are sending her lots of purrs and prayers to fell better.

Daisy said...

I'm glad it was just a bit of Nonpoopital! That's much better than a potty problem.

The Creek Cats said...

We missed yesterdays post. Purring very ard for Kirby and your mom!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is good about Kirby! We do think that may be embarrassment he is showing! We hope your mom continues to improve.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it was nothing serious with Kirby. Hope you and your Mom are well soon.

Kas said...

Glad he is better, paw paw ointment is good for a sore botty too whether feline or not.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Glad you are sorted out now Kirby, poop problems are no fun at all.
Hope being at home makes your mom feel better.

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Kirby...we're so sorry you hadta go through that...but it was for your own good....

Cat with a Garden said...

Such a good thing you were taken to the vet, Kirby. That must have been ouchy!
Purrs to your grandma, we hope she'll be better at home.

Kaz's Cats said...

Oh, we're glad that Kirby is doing better. And having to eat more food can't be a bad thing...We'll purr for him to stay well and for your Mom's Mom to get better,


Gypsy & Tasha

Ariel said...

Glad to hear Kirby's doing better.Hope your mom feels better real soon...Hugs

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad Kirby is doing better. Must have been painful to hold all that poop.

Purrs and tail wags for your mom's mom to get better!

Anonymous said...

We're happy to hear the good news about Kirby! We hope that being home will be good for your mother, too...

Karen Jo said...

I am so glad that Kirby got all fixed up. I think that being home will be good for your Mom.

The Kitty Krew said...

We are glad that Kirby is doing okay now. And happy Gotcha Day to him!!! :D

We hope the mom's mom is doing better at home.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

CCL Wendy said...

Great news about Kirby! Of all the things, that's one of the easiest to fix.

Happy Gotcha Day, Kirby! I guess you got what you really wanted -- a real good poop!

Parker said...

Oh I am so glad that Kirby is better, we hope your Grandma is too!

Everycat said...

Kirby, we hear it is your Gotcha Day today, so we are sending you wishes for a lovely day filled with love, fun and treats.

We are sending rumbly purrs to your Mom and her Mom too, we hope the senior Mom recovers soon and feels well again. Pneumonia is awful.

We're sending some purrs for your butt too Kirby!

& Gerry

Forty Paws said...

Happy Gotcha Day Kirby! Glad that things are back to normal for the hiney! Sorry you had to go to the vet to get that resolved though!

Luf, Us

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh dear: when we don't stop by, we miss all kinds of impawtant things.
We are sure hoping your Mom is better, happily back home, and that you've been able to help her through all of this. And we are sure hoping Kirby has improved, too! What a little springtime warmth might do right now for all of us. Take care, we'll keep one and all in our prayers 'n purrs.

Anonymous said...

Potty problems are No Fun, are they, Kirby? Sometimes I have poo problems because of my bad leg. I fall over in it and Mom has to clean me up with baby wipes. I do not enjoy that very much.

The Florida Furkids said...

Poopy problems are not fun! We hope you have a great Gotcha Day -maybe a nice poop too?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Karen Jo said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Kirby!

The Island Cats said...

Kirby, we heard it was your Gotcha Day...well, we're a day late...but we wanted to wish you happy Gotcha Day and we hope you are doing okay now...

ButterBean said...

We glad you dont have a UTI - thoes are REAL bad ButterBean had to have his boy parts removed b/c of crystals ... we glad you can poo now too - we think pooing is FUN especially while or right after the box has been cleaned - momy really enjoys fresh poos while she is evicting the ones from the night before hee hee hee so big purrs to ya and keep gettin betters

The Monkeys said...

We're so happy that you're feeling better, Kirby!

Nothing to feel embarrassed about!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Glad you're ok Kirby. Getting to eat more than before sounds like it was worth a vet visit.
your bud Pepi

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Wow Kirby I am so glad you are not 'farfrumpoopin' anymore.
I can see how it must have been a little overwhelming for your dear mommy to get through her days of late. Having to worry about her mommy bean can pull on the worry strings somewhat aweful. Please know we love you and are always thinking about you and sending peacefulness.
Love Misses Peach