This is the first paw print we saw.
These were at the back of the stove by the Stone ware baking pan.
After we moved the pan, we saw there!
and these two!
The stove and stone were cold. He must have done his exploring after we went to bed. I suspect he walked up the stone, and then out on to the stove.
Another award!
Herman at Herman's Hideaway, gave us the Super Scribbler.
This award was started by The Scholastic Scribe to celebrate their two hundredth post two years ago. To read more about the award go here. Here are the rules for this award:
1. Each Superior Scribbler (SS) must pass the Award on to 5 deserving blogger friends
2. Each SS must link the author and name of the blog from whom he/she received the award.
3. Each SS must display the award on his/her blog and link to the post which explains the award.
4. Each SS is asked to visit the post which explains the award and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List (I just made a comment - I couldn't figure out how to add to the Mr. Linky list.)
5. Each SS must post these rules on his/her blog.
We want to pass the award on to the following friends.
Noir at Noir's Nook
Forty Paws
The Very Best Cats
Kattonic Cats
Congrats on the award! And Kirby sounds like Virgil - he explores like that too. I wonder if it is a tuxie boy thing?
Wow, those are some cool footprints! He sure wouldn't make a very good criminal, though -- leaving all that evidence behind (LOL)!
Congrats on your award, too!
Nice footprints! Congratulations on your award!
Naw, it wasn't either of was that cybercat that comes in at times and gets us in trouble. Concats on your award. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats on the award and for thinking of me for it!!
And, next time be careful on the oven-don't want you to burn your feeties!
I agree, I think it was the ghost cat that gets Zoey and I in trouble. He's a mischievous one!
Congratumalations on that award!
If you weren't seen leaving pawprints, it obviously wasn't you but it must have been Nott Mee.
Concats on your award.
We got pawprints all over our stove too!! Mom can't tell which one of us did it...because we both did! But don't tell mom, okay??
Congrats on that cool award too!
heheh it's fun to be a naughty mancat!
Concats on your awards.
your bud Pepi
Concatulations on your well deserved award furiends! Kirby, we see you've left your mark on the stove!
It had to be an intruder cat, because you two are perfectly behaved!
Congratulations on your award! weren't misbehaving, were you? No, of course not! :D We kitties never misbehave! MOL Nice paw prints. Teehee...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Hey. I don't normally leave comments, but I just wanted to say thanks for the great information. I have a blog too, though
I don't write as good as you do, but if you want to check it out here it is. Thanks again and have a great day!
Fury Warrior PvP
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