We had a fun time this week. The Grand daughter bean has been here sewing with Mom. Her boy friend has been here too and Kirby really likes him.
Today we for nip! Angel likes to eat some and then roll in it but Kirby just loves to roll in it!

Then Mom turned on the Bolt laser!
It looks like you guys are getting an early start on having a fun weekend=you just don't get any better than nip and lasers!!MOL...Happy Spring!...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki
Have a great weekend, looks like a lot of fun.
Wow, we bet that laser looks really cool after a little nip!
My Jasmine loves the laser ^,,^
That is great that the Grand daughter likes to sew! My mom could never get her own daughter interesting in sewing!
That laser looks fun! We have a green one here!
Nip and a laser sounds like a great start to the weekend.
Nip and lazer? sounds like a perfect Friday to us.
Awesome! We had nip in out condo last night after supper! It's a good thing Mom bought us that ginormous condo years ago or there wouldn't be any room for all 4 of us!
It sounds like you kitties had a fantastic day!:)
Oh, they remind me so much of my kitties, Peanut and Domino that have passed on a while ago. Peanut lived to be 20 yrs old! I have tons of art on Peanut that keeps her alive. Domino passed when he was 9. I miss them so much, but now I have a big white kitty named Kenzie. It's so cute to watch them play with that laser! Darling pictures of your babies!!! Watch out for the nip hangover! :)
Linda :)
Sounds like your having alot of fun.Nip is the best :)
Wow, what a great day for you two! You have nice company, nip AND lasers! Way to go!
First the nip, then the dot? Whoo, that'll mess with your mind...
Whew....a little nip, a little light laser...Sounds like fun!
That looks like a lot of fun!
Have a great weekend, looks like a lot of fun.
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