Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

We know it is late but Mom and Dad had to go to West Texas to Check on Grandmother. SHe fell on Monday but did not break a hip! That is very good news. She is back up even though she is still very sore.

Mom and Dad helped hide and hunt Easter eggs with the littlest Grand Bean!

They made Tie-dyed eggs that some kitty talked about on their blog but Mom can not remember who. She is so sorry! Here is a link;

The pictures are not so good cause they were taken on Mom's camera! She came home from West Texas with a major allergy attach that will take a couple of days to get over.


Lone Star Purrs said...

The eggs are beautiful!! Happy Easter to y'all too!
~Meeko & Kiara

Willow said...

Wow, those are some great eggs you have there! Hope you all had a very Happy Easter! China Cat and I got to have some Easter Ham - hooray!

Purrrrrrrrrrs, Willow

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are gorgeous eggs! Happy Easter!

Jacqueline said...

Those Easter eggs are beautiful!...We're glad your Grandmother is ok and hope your Mom feels better soon...Happy Easter to all of you too...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki

Parker said...

Wow - those eggs are pretty!

Anonymous said...

We are glad your Grandmother did not break her hip! Phew!

The eggs are really fancy!

The Creek Cats said...

How cool are those eggs!! They are fabulous! Great job!

So glad to hear Grandma didn't break her hip!

Hansel said...

WOW! Those are some pretty cool looking eggs! mom's never made anything but plain old solid colors.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

The eggs are lovely.. Happy Easter and hope mum is feeling better soon.. Hugs GJ x

The Monkeys said...

We hope you had a great Easter! Those eggs look great!

We hope your Mom is feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

oooooh are those the silk-dyed eggs? verreh nice!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow those eggs look amazing!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are so happy to hear that Grandmother is ok. Our mama says she can sympathize with your mom about the allergies as she's having a terrible time with the Live Oak that is rejuvenating itself here....let's hope they both get feeling better really quickly.

Really cooooooooooool looking eggs. xxxxxxxxxxx

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

We sure hope your grandma bean will be ok.
Those are amazing eggs! They are so pretty!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad Grandmother did not break her hip.
The eggs are very pretty.


Those are beautiful eggs!
Good news about your Grandmother!!!


Anonymous said...

Dem eggs is bootiful! Da beans here just dyed and added stickers, we has to check out how yoo did yers. We is hopin yer Easter was pawsome even though yoo was all alone.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

An Easter Egg hunt!! Cool! Those eggs are so pretty!

We hope the Grandmother is ok!

Rene said...

Were you referring to our eggs? :-) We are glad your grandmother didn't break her hip. Ours fell and broke her hip last spring.`

Lucky Lady said...

wow those are so beautiful looks like you had a good easter

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are so glad that your grandmother is ok and didn't break her hip - we hope the soreness doesn't last long!

And those are beautiful eggs - we saw that post about them too, and It's All About the Cats. We think that is probably where you saw them (unless there were a couple kitties who posted about it, which would be very funny!) We are glad that they turned out so well - our mom really wants to try it at some point too! She even emailed the link to herself!

CCL Wendy said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandma, and we hope she feels better very soon. It must have been quite scary for her.

Lovely Easter eggs, though!

Love Meow said...

wow the eggs are sooo lovely. We LOVE them!

We are glad that your Grandmother is ok.

Happy Easter to you guys!

Marlene said...

Very cool eggs! How did you do that?

Glad to hear the Grandma Bean didn't break her hip but is just sore. :)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

so crafty your human is...purrty but we'd prolly break them!