We have left Mac lose in the house for 24 hours and they are all coping. We did not know what to expect his first night out but every one did very well.
We did not change Mac's food when he came here. I am feeding him the same stuff my sister sent home. The only difference is the amount. He was eating a spoon full maybe once a day. Many times he walked away from that! He would not touch dry food. Here he has eaten a can of wet food a day and all the crunchies that he can get! He is eating the diet food from the vet along with Kirby and Angel. I am still concerned about his poops, but feel it is stress relates.
This is how we have spent our Sunday.
Mac on the cat tower. He had laid there all afternoon till I got the camera. He learns fast!
Sorry for the poor quality of this one. It was taken through a dirty window and screen. This is the outdoor kitten that we are feeding. She is coming out when we are in the yard and staying closer to the house when we ate in the house. I feel honored that I got this much of her!
We are glad everyone is getting along better and there aren't any major battles. It is good that he is eating more.
Yep, sounds like things are progressing. Perhaps the "poop thing" is stress related. My sister Dolly had that before coming here, then after a little while they went away. That little one looks like a cutie!
I am glad that things are working out!
Well,it sounds like you all are doing better together!!
It always takes time for everyone to adjust...we know, somebody new shows up about once a year...*sigh*
Hello Mac!! We know you will all become the greatest furiends! Thanks for always commenting on our Blog!! Mom works a lot and doesn't always get a chance to respond back to our furiends!!
Hugs from your TX furiends,
We're glad Mac is starting to fit in and their fighting is nothing serious; we fight and then cuddle all the time!!...They are all beautiful babies!...Happy week sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh, goodness, a little stray kitten. Is that another one you are going to try to care for?
How nice is that that things are getting some kind of normal between the kitties. Poor Mac has had to do so much coping in the last few weeks, my heart goes out to him.
Give him a cuddle for me, Nan :)
Love to Angel & Kirby
-Reenie (Sherkhan's mommy)
Mac is very lucky to have you, and to have somewhere safe and loving to live. We are sending mega purrs for everyone to relax and get along.
We're happy to hear that Mac is settling in and not disrupting you too very much!
Your little visitor is such a cutie! We hope she gets more confident.
We are so happy to hear that the 3 darlings are adjusting so well and we will continue to purr that they become "fast" friends.
And we will be purring that the cutie outside will "tame up totally" also.
it is nice you are getting along a little better. that outsidey kitten is cute!
That is nice that everyone is getting along better. We think you are right about the poop thing. stress and a change of food amounts can cause that.
We're purring that the pudding poops stop and you all start getting along like best buds soon.
Sounds like there is progress for sure. Love the pictures and you are lucky with the stray, it must trust you.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh Mac, we hope you will get along great with Kirby and Angel! Sorry I have not been around much, I have major secretarial issues.
Missed you guys!
Ahhhhh poor wee kitty! She looks so scared and vulnerable!
I am sending you all hugs.
I am truly appreciating having cats living with me again. They give me an instant lift with their purrs. Even if Fluffy does keep me awake half the night I still love her ;)
That is good that you are being friendlier to each other!
We hope the eating and poop problems get better!
That kitten is cute!
Glad to hear effuryone is getting along better. And, that little girl kittie is purrecious!!!
Keeping our paws crossed that all it takes is a matter of time before everything is A-Okay.
I'm glad things are going so well and hooray that Mac is eating canned food! He is a beauty (so are you Angel and Kirby).
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