Angel is three today. She is a lady but still loves her nip and her play time!
Mom is very late posting about our party, so we are going to party all day tomorrow, too!

We have Ham

and Turkey

and Fancy Feast

Fancy Feast Appetizers




and kitten milk for the under age group!

Come join Angel


And Mac in the celebration!
A very happy 3rd birthday, Angel! We wish you a wonderful celebration and many, many, many more to come!
Oops we are a day late, please forgive us.
Belated Happy Third Birthday Angel! We hope you had a lovely day filled with love, fun and treats!
& Gerry
Happy Purrthday, Angel! What a great party!! Thanks so much for inviting us!
Happy Birthday, Angel! Wow, there sure is a lot of treats and toys here! We don't know where to start.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Angel, are we too late to join this amazing party??? Hope that you had a great day!
Happy birthday, Angel!
Happy Birthday Angel! xxx
Pawsome party!
We are very sorry we are late, Angel, but we wanted to wish you Happy 3rd Birthday!
Happy happy birthday lovely Miss Angel!
Happy Birthday Angel!!! Wow, what a feast!!!
Happy Birthday Angel. You know how to have a great party. We are going to have a Meowgarita each and then I, Flynn will enjoy some nip while Eric dives into the Fancy Feast appetisers.
Happy Birthday Angel! Oh I think all these birthdays will make me well so I can have ham again!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet Angel!!!!! How cool is it that you and Andy's birthdays are only 3 days apart.....and today is also our bean Auntie Lyn's birthday!!!!!!!!
We love y'all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy birthday Angel! We are glad the party is still going on today. We all will be right over, as soon as mom can carpool us over!
Oooops, we now realize that was posted yesterday....so your birthday is 2 days after Andy's.....and Monday the 16th is our Auntie's birthday........
That'll teach our mama to read post dates!!! MOL
Happy Third Birthday, Angel! Wow, you really know how to throw a pawty! May we start with a little Ham? Then we can play tag!
Happy birthday, Angel! We will enjoy some temptations and nip from you! May you have, many, many more birthdays!
Happy Purrthday sweet Angel. Great pawty, great eats :)
Happy Birthday Angel.Wow look at all the yummy food ham here I come :)
Happy Birthday Angel!...We are so excited to be at your fun party, thanks for inviting us!...We love hanging out with you, Kirby and Mac and all your sweet friends...We brought lots of fresh nip for everyone!...We hope all your birthday wishes come true, beautiful girl...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
happy belated birthday!!!
good thing you are still partying, so we will join right in, great food and especially those meowgaritas (we might have spelled that wrong, we already had one...)
Happy Birthday Angel! We are a day late but had to come by and sing you a birthday song (we modified it a little because we are a day late!)
What day was yesterday?
It was Angel's Birthday!!
What a day for a Birthday!
Let's all have some cake!!
We hope you had a wonderful, fun, treat filled day! The party is awesome - we are so glad it is still going on!!
Happy Birthday, Angel! You iz beautiful!!
A furry happy 3rd purrday Angel and may you celebrate many more!
What a great party!! We hope you had a wonderful birthday, Angel!!
Happy Purrthday!
You furtanly know how to throw a partee! Especially for just a youngster!
Wow, Angel -- sorry, I missed your birthday celebration. I haven't been blogging on the weekends lately.
And Happy Belated 3rd Birthday, precious girl. It looks like you had quite the feast and it's wonderful that your brofurs helped you celebrate, too.
Belated Happy Birthday Angel!! Sorry we missed your party, looks like you had lots of fun!
Happy third Birthday, Angel! It was my second birzhday on August 15th too and mom hasn't yet posted about it. I can see a bitey in her future. I hope you had a really good tima.
Purrs, Chilli
Happy 3rd birthday, Angel, from all of us Good Cats! (And we apologize on behalf of our human staff, who caused us to miss your terrific party... )
Hi Angel. Sorry we are too late to make it to your wonderful party, but we still want to wish you a very happy purrthday and many years of health and happiness!
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