Mom and Dad got home Friday night. We told Mom she could post pictures of the grandkitties even of she did not bring us any turkey!
Illyanna and Shadow sharing one of the boys beds!
Ivan in his usual spot!
Mom here: When we got home Kirby and Mac were very agitated. Running wild, tails poofed, eyes wide almost in a panic state. Then they started attaching Angel. Mac ended up in time out . Today they are all back to their normal selves. I have no idea what went on while we were gone for two nights.
As for the turkey, we had 6 teenagers at the dinner table, enough said!
Hm. It sounds to me like your humans owe you a whole turkey, cooked just for you.
I wonder what they got up to while you were gone. Herman just got kitty turkey so far, but I am going to cook some tomorrow.
No turkey here either... No even a whiff of one. Have a great Sunday.
pawhugs, Max
Turkey whats that?
Our mum only eats weird stuff from the ground and trees :)
Spirit n Pixie n Tarmie ♥
I slept through the turkey dinner myself.
I think maybe you had better put turkey on your Christmas list!
No wonder you went attacking Angel. After the unfairness of not getting any turkey, I can totdlly understand it!
If we didn't get a Thanksgiving dinner, we'd run riot too! Glad that all's back to normal today.
We're glad to hear things are back to normal now. We didn't get any turkey either.
No turkey after all of that? How unfair! I think you should tell your humans they need to make a turkey!
Not even turkey crumbs? How unfair. You're family too. We didn't get much, only a taste and we had to threaten to put a lock on the fridge to get Jan to part with that much, but we did get something.
No turkey for us either. The grandkitties are sweet.
Beautiful kitty photos, but we think you guys were robbed of Thanksgiving dinner=we hope your parents give you extra treats to make up for it...Happy week, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Sounds like there was a little re-directed aggression going on...could Kirby and Mac have seen another cat outside perhaps?? Or maybe they were just disappointed that they got no turkey! ;)
You guy may have to try how to grab a turkey from your bean~
How about some Fancy Feast turkey? That is what we had!!!
Hope you have a great day!
I'm so sorry you didn't get any turkey! I hope that your day is wonderful.
Well, if it's any consolation, we didn't get turkey either! We think that means Santa has to bring us better Christmas gifts...lets keep our paws crossed!
Whew, we are happy Kirby and Mac have settled down....we were about to request that you sent Angel to us for a bit!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday sweet friends.
Aww, maybe they smelled the other kitties on you. We've had that happen before too. I think they should have some chicken or turkey too.
Hi Angel, Kirby and Mac! We are so behind in visiting! But we are so excited to see pictures of Shadow, Ivan and Illyana - we miss their blog a lot but it is nice we get to see them here sometimes!! And it is too bad there was no turkey for you, but our mom said that she isn't surprised with a bunch of teenagers there - teenagers eat a lot!
Maybe they got all agitated because they got no turkey, and started to take it out on each other!
It sure is nice to see Illyana again. I remember when you kept her when she was just a kitten.
Sounds like you had a real rip-roaring Thanksgiving!
Beautiful kitties :)
If your humans have time, please ask them to pop over to my blog. I need advice on my kitty, Fluffy. I am afraid I may be losing her :(
Oh no, no turkey? Your mom must cook a good one!
I love photos of kitties. They are very beautiful.
The last photo made me laugh : )
WE did not get any turkey either.
MOL, what WERE you doing when your mom was gone? It was crazy at my house too when our mom was gone. Mom came home and I had some scratches in my ears and over one eye. Brutal.
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