Mom has been at the sewing machine again. She is making pot holders/mits.

Kirby is helping with Quality Control

Strange, they all have kitties on them. Mom did make one with doggies but she gave it ti her sewing friend before she got a picture if it! We think she will be making a lot of these later in the week!
Those are really nice potholders! Way nicer than the stupid too-big ones my human has that she bought at Target.
Those are very nice, and you are very sweet for helping out!
Those are really cute pot holders!! Kirby, you're doing a great job!
Your mom is very good at sweing, but quality control remains impawtant.
Those are terrific pot holders. Kirby, you're doing an excellent job with the quality control!
Wow your mom is such a good sewer! We think those look too nice to be used as pot holders - they should be decorations!!
Very nice! Your mom is such a great sewer.
Those are lovely. Your mum is clever and lucky to have you to help.. Hugs GJ x
You are doing a great job, because the quality of those is im-peck-able!
~ Malachi
Those pot holders are lovely. You are doing a good job at quality control Kirby.
Love the potholders and mitts.Does your mom share the pattern?
WOW--you mom is so talented! She MADE those? Do they take long? I like they have kitties on em and I'd 'help' too....
PS. Stay warm tomorrow, chums!
Those are great! And Kirby, we can tell that the quality is good!!
Snoopervisin the moms work is an impawtant job - yoo do it so well too! Did uhhh yoo get sum noms fer a job well done?
You are doing a good job snoopervising and 'ironing' those cute potholders flat.
Does your momma sell these?
Teri has some cat print ones like these:
But they are getting kinda old and stained and she says she needs some new ones...
LOVE the potholders!
What great oven mitts! Our Meowmy has the pattern but hasn't made them yet...they sure look great made up in cat fabric! she's going to have Crisp Mouse dinner at a friend's house on Saturday...wonder if she can get her act together to get a pair made by then?? She'll need us to do quality control like you're doing's very impawtant!
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