Monday, July 9, 2012

Mancat Monday

Kirby loves to help Mom quilt!   

Wendy at Wendy's 3-D cats   made us some avatars.  It was very sweet of her to do this!

Thank you Wendy!

 Angel Avatar

Kirby Avatar


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Cute avatars!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Kirby! You are doing a great job helping mum with her quilt!!

Yay for your perfect avatars! Awwww! Take care

Sparkle said...

Too bad my lame human does not quilt - I would LOVE to help with that!

Wendy's avatars are adorable!

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, I can see Kirby is being a real big help! He's keeping the quilt flat for you -- and probably acting some of his furs for extra-added texture.

So happy you like your avatars!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Quilting looks like hard work; we recommend a nap. :-D

Your avatars are awesome; Wendy did a fabulous job on them!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Very cool avatars!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are a mighty fine helper Kirby! Your avatars are so cute!

Pattyskypants said...

He's just trying to make sure there won't be any puckers when you quilt it! xxoo Bhu

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Oooh, is that chenille??? That stuff is so cozy and comfy, we don't blame you fur "helpin" out. Mom says it's really pretty, too.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Great avatars! Wendi did a wonderful job.

The Island Cats said...

Your avatars are great! Wendy does such a good job.

Karen Jo said...

You are a good helper, Kirby. I do that to help Mom make the bed. Your avatars are great.


Rene said...

Kirby looks pretty blissed out!

Forever Foster said...

That's some good helping, Kirby. Your avatars are very cute!

Willow said...

Kirby I'm sure that your expertise makes all of your Moms quilt special.

Wendy really gets each likeness for a purrfect avatar.

Barb said...

Nice quilt you've got there Kirby! ;-)

~E said...

Great job!

~E said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs Mac said...

Love your avatars!

Oh, cats are *SOO* helpful when craft stuff is around, aren't they?

I wanted to ask if you know of any cats that have FHS- Feline Hyperastesia Syndrome-? Sometimes called 'twitchy tail' or 'rolling fur' syndrome. Scooter had a seizure today, at least, there was twitching, but other symptoms seem alot like what I've read about FHS...

I need to change my vet :(
It' SO HARD when you cannot trust your vet!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Those avatars are Purrrfect!

Fanks fer comin to my purrthday - I hop yoo all had a blast!

Sir Trooder Lioncourt

Emmylou said...

Love your avatars! And sorry to be away so long. The fires were way north of us but we did get smoke from the Waldo fire, and from one in NM. MM has been very busy work on something called a family tree, but we will try to keep up better with the blogs now.

Anonymous said...

Love your avatars! And sorry to be away so long. The fires were way north of us but we did get smoke from the Waldo fire, and from one in NM. MM has been very busy work on something called a family tree, but we will try to keep up better with the blogs now.