Monday, August 6, 2012

Not so happy Monday!

Well. the stare-off was a tie.  We should have been staring at MOM!  She and Dad tricked us into our crates and took us to the VET! Angel cried all the way and was panting when we got there.   She gets so scared when she is caged up. WE told that it was OK that she had a small accident cause that happens when you are terrified!  The VET techs were so nice to us.  They clipped our claws and talked to us.  WE were disappointed that Joey was not our Tech today.  we all love Joey.  He is going to be a vet someday!  They even told Mom that we could have out rabies shots early so we did not have to come back in a couple of months.  Angel really appreciated that!

When we got home, Mom grabbed the camera.  We had a sniff fest to make sure each other was OK and then, this is what Mom got!

 Angel was running down the hall to head  under the bed, so all Mom got was the tip of her tail.  However, Angel came back out to visit!  She always hides after being in the PTU!

 Me, I followed Angel and then came back.  I wanted to lay on the cool foundation!  This is where Mom and Dad pulled the carpet up when we has a leak while the boys were here!


Old Kitty said...

Awwww poor Angel!! But you two were very brave and deserve lots of extra treats and cuddles! Yay! Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

We at least the whole ordeal is over and you can get back to serious treats and napping!

Barb said...

Done for another year. That's a very good thing. I cry when I have to take the Gs all to the Vet's... but for totally different reason$. :D

Sweet Purrfections said...

The last time we went to the vet was for our lady gardenectomies. Our yearly checkups are coming up soon.

Rene said...

We are sorry you had a rough trip, and we hope you got some extra treats as a reward!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad that is done and you are home!

Sparkle said...

At least it is all over with!

Debra Taylor said...

It can be so scary being in those crates to the Vet. You are lucky you have such a loving owner who takes such good care of you! I have a really hard time getting a few of our kitties into the crates. Hope you are good for your mommy.

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

You're home, safe and sound--and out of the heat! I think that concrete would feel pretty good bout now!


The Island Cats said...

We're so glad everything went well at the vet despite the fact that you were tricked in getting there!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Nasty trick on the part of your human. Bleh. But we're glad it was just routine and that you're both home and fine now!

Fuzzy Tales said...

P.S. Our mom's in total agreement with Barb and TheDailyGs!!!

CCL Wendy said...

Oh poor babies! Especially Angel! I'm sure she'll get over it quickly now -- after she comes out from under the bed.

I've heard that some vets make house calls now. I hope that trend continues so visits to the V-E-T can be mostly avoided.

Willow said...

Its good when VETS make it easier for us by petting and talking in soothing tones even if nervous beforehand its makes the visit better and good news now can avoid another trip

Everycat said...

Brave cats! Well done for surviving the vet. Hope you got lots of extra treats!

Oliver, Gerry & mungo

Lucky Lady said...

my mom has the vet come to the house because meow baby does not like to ride and its a big mess if he does and that long hair is to hard to get clean, thank goodness for small town vets (Baby)

~E said...

I know my cats hate the vet too. Miss Whiskers says scratch up the neck, worked for her. I hope your exams went well. xo

Mrs Mac said...

Mr Scooter says to tell you that you are very brave having rabies shots, and not to worry about accidents, as that is just a way of keeping the beans in their place ;)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday Angel!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Angel we are so sorry you were so scared on your way to the vet. Glad you don't have to go back for your shots.

Happy Birthday Angel, we hopes you have the most wonderful day full of treats and love

Jans Funny Farm said...

We came by to wish Angel a Happy Birthday!