Monday, April 20, 2009

What are you into now

I am raising a two year old! Kirby has been into anything and every thing! He gets into shelves, on cabinets, in cabinets ans on any surface he wants! I have cleaned up more messes that he has created than I can count. Do they ever grow up? Do they get out of this 'let me see what this is' stage? The following picture trail says it all! Please over look the 'junk' ans finger prints in the background!

Cabinet door open. the drawer above is usually open, too!

Head and foot in cabinet!

Totally in cabinet!

I missed the best one. He turned around and looked at me and jumper out. Bang! A pan lid followed!

We are going to be out of town this coming weekend. Will I have a house to come back to?


The Creek Cats said...

Looks a lot like what Ferris does to our cabinets. He is 3 years old and I don't see him ever growing out of it. I don't believe they ever really grow up :)

The Monkeys said...

Wow, Kirby really likes to dig! I love the shot with his head and foot in the cupboard

Noll's Nip said...

It's that "curiosity thing" cats have. Looks like Kirby got an extra special, supersize me, dose. He must be fun to watch!

Anonymous said...

An open door is an invitation to mischief. Gandalf and Grayson simply can not resist any open door! I have to double check my upright freezer before I LOCK it, any closet, cabinet or drawer! Grayson still managed to get inside my cabinet under the bathroom sink this morning without me seeing him. All of a sudden I heard a muffled "Meow, meow..."

quiltcat said...

I think the picture of Kirby disappearing into the cabinet, leaving one gleaming white foot behind, is exceptionally cute. I'd like to promise you that they outgrow this...but...i have caught my ~15-year old Fuzzy opening the cabinet under the kitchen sink just to check out what's under there. And 11-year old Sylvie does that in order to then tip down the trash can if there's anything even slightly fragrant in it. And when i open the other kitchen cabinet that has the pots in it, whichever cat is nearby tries to climb in!

The Island Cats said...

Hahahaha! I'm almost 6 years old and I still like to get into stuff! Don't leave a closet door open, cuz I'm in there in a flash!


Anonymous said...

heh heh Dats it Kirby keeps da beans on dems toes!

Anonymous said...

Aww... poor you...
Sherkhan does the same, but he has not yet mastered the skill of opening cupboards. I think it's just a matter of time.
How old is Angel, and Kirby?
My sympathies and hoping that your kids keep the house intact till you are back :)

(Sherkhan's mom)

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We don't think it is something curious ones outgrow. Wednesday climbed in cabinets and spaces and she was 7.The pictures are so cute though.

Cat with a Garden said...

Hahahahahaha! Kirby would be a great playmate for Chilli. Thankfully she doesn't open drawers - yet! I had to giggle at "will I have a house to come back". I purr that you will - Angel is there to look after things!
Purrs, Siena

CCL Wendy said...

I have heard that cats are purrpetual two-year olds. Apparently they have the mental capabilities of a child of two. So, "no" they will never grow up. And, really would you want them to? Their antics are so cute. You have quite the little culpurrit there!

Also, I want to let you know I have another blog comprised totally of LOL-Cats (my cats and a variety of others). You can find it at:

Zeus said...

I am the same way, especially if I do not get to eat. I go searching through everything. Maybe you need to feed Kirby more! ;)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh looks like Chester! Kirby and Chester are both the same!!

The Crew said...

Keep up the good work, Kirby. Our curiosity should never be stifled!

Your friend

GizmoGonzalez said...

I wish I could open cabinet by myself and steal some food...since I lost my claws, I can't. (='I'=)