Angel does not like to have an empty food dish. She will start telling you with little meows that escalate till you fill the bowl. She may not take but a bite to two and then walk off. She started in at 6:45 tonight. We were headed out the door but she got between us and the door and insisted her bowl needed to be filled. As you can see, they all joined in!
hehe It must be a girls job to ensure the food is filled at all times, my sisfur Mushka does the same thing hehe
At least she's kind enough to meow. Brother Giggles silently sneaks up on da biped when she's typing and reaches up and grabs her arm wif his claws. Some times he has to claw her two or three times before she fills da food bowl.
Fuzzy is busy training me to give him dry cat food snacks on demand!
Grin. My little Gretchen couldn't stand to have the food bowl empty. Louise would empty it in the middle of the night and Gretchen would meow and jump up and own on my stomach until I got up and filled it again. Thank you for your kind words. Things haven't improved any, but I can't stay in a worried state for long. My limerick for Oscar has been posted.
I also herd my beans - as well as the other boys to the food bowls!
Mom has been cutting back on our crunchies... we both will holler and holler at her, but so far, it is not working.
Awwww! That is so sweet with little Ilyana in the middle. Nothing makes a kitty more content than knowing that their food dish is full -- even if they don't want to eat it right away.
Haha! Our mom thinks we all have a clock inside us to tell us when it is time to eat!
My crunchies are usually full, but I could use some more of those special treats. They are never in the bowl often enough for me!
I love feeding time for cats! Heads down, bottoms up, and silence, except for the lap,lap, lap ,lap...
Youz guys eat on da floor! Our bowlz are up on a table in da fambly room cuz da doggiez would eat alla' our viddles up iffin' dey gotz da chance!
cats know what they want and don't stop till they get it!
We cats know what we want and we want it now....
HUgs GJ xx
I just want to say, guys:
Thank you!
All 5 felines are purring loudly because of your kind words and you made me feel so much better.
I will be back.
I check to make sure Ivan and I's bowls are filled with dry during the day.. and we get two servings of wet.. one at 8 am and one at 8pm.. and I yell at mom if it is late.. then she yells at Jake...
An empty bowl is awful! I don't meow when mine is empty, but I do sit in front of it for a very long time giving mom the evil eye till she fills it!
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