We played! With mouses! And them Mom finished sewing a turtle. She is trying to get a picture of us with it! It does not smell like cat nip, so lots of luck.

Angel and blue mouse

Kirby with blue mouse

Kirby(with collar) and Angel discussing blue mouse

Kirby with green rat.
So kyute!!! Looks like Kirby had to move onto bigger and better things!
We like that rat! It's big!
Some fine playful pictures today! I love the upside down one with the tummy shot!
Those are great pictures - I love the blue mouse! It looks like it would be a lot of fun. And the rat is cool because it is big - great for bunny kicks!
Say, is that by any chance a feather-butt mousie? I LOVE feather-butts and would come right over to play!
Your friend
You look like you are having a very good time with your blue mouse.
You two really had a great time! You both look so cute playing with your toys
Your little blue mouse looks like fun, but the big mousie is better for bunny kicking.
What a great way to spend the day!
That looks fun! I can't wait to see the turtle.
Those are fun photos! We especially like that second one! Great blur mousie!
Well that sounds like a fun day. What were you discussing about the mousie?
Mousies and ratties and turtles, oh my!
Which wuz better... the blue mousie or the green rat?
Those look like fun toys that you really enjoy! Mousies are always the best.
Hey, we tagged you for an award/meme on our bloggie today -- so come by and see it when you get a chance! :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Those are very cute toys your mom made :)
Yea we dun like any toys less it has nip or fev-vers on em. Maybe yer mom can spray sum nip smell on it or shake it in the container of nip?
It's so nice to see you guys having fun with your toys!
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