It’s time for the Cat-O-Lympics!!
(pretend you’re hearing the Olympic theme song playing)

Our furiend Fin thought it would be great if us kitties had our own Cat-O-Lympics in honor of the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada! Fin is holding the Opening Ceremonies at her blog…click HERE to join in those festivities!!!
Welcome to to the “Synchronized Snoozing” Competition!!

Here is our entry! (Kirby - left; Angel - right)
Dat iz a gold-medal worthy purrformance!
That is a great Cat agory ...
You do an excellent job!
OMC! What technique! What form! What originality! How did you both manage to stay on there and not fall off??!? This could be a gold medal performance!! Now let's see what the competition brings!!
Thanks so much for entering!!
Pawsome! We fink dat technique yoo has is one of da bestests!
Look at that! You earned a purrfect 10 out of 10! Collect your gold medal now :)
what an excellent demonstration of synchronized snoozing! such symmetry! such balance! such snuggliness! we rate this a perfect 10.
You guys are going for the gold! Great synchronized snoozing!!
Oh my goodness this will be hard to beat!
purry purrs
You two look perfect! The Canadian judges give you a 10.0! (We're not really judges, but we're Canadian hee hee)
Wow, you have a great technique there! We think you should place very high!!
Ha! Ha! That is very cute! Great balancing and Synchronized Snoozing!!!
You are very good synchronised snoozers.
Well done, Kirby and Angel! You're sure going to make it hard for everyone else in your CATegory!
Keep on snoozin'! Those who practice do better than the rest.
Jim: Wow Bob look at that entry!
Bob: I know Jim not only do they look alike they are touching and in synch!
Jim: Looks like these Kitties are trying for the gold!!
Bob: Looks like they could enter the Napping competition at Huffle Mawsons place too!
Ohh, very nice! You two snooze together quite well, we never do that!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Nice pillow work, too! So cool and collected, the crowds roar!
This is adorable!!!!!!! Surely you will win!
We like your entry! It's great!
Oh my! HOW did I miss this photo??? Kirby's eye just say it all: GIVE ME THE GOLD!!
You're also showing great balance.
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