I had a great time at my High school reunion. we did not get any pictures because we were having so much fun. My best friend that had never been to reunion was there. We had lost touch, but have corrected that!
On Friday morning, I was going out to feed the outside kitty and hurt my foot. The back door sticks because of foundation problems so I was pulling with all my weight when it gave way and opened. Unfortunately, I was wearing house slippers, and the door slammed onto my big toe! I stood and walked a lot on Friday and Saturday so it is still swollen and hurts. I may have to go have it X-rayed.
Ouch! That toe looks really painful. Best to get it checked out.
Belated Happy Father's Day to your dad. We are glad to see how well Mac has settled in.
Happy Father's Day to your Dad! Mac is doing so good! Sorry about your toe ouchy, I hope it feels better real soon.
Ouch!! That looks like it hurts!! We hope it feels better soon! And we like that Mac has made himself at home!!
Ouch! Take good care of that toe.
Happy belated Father's Day to your Dad!...Our Mommy broke her big toe a few years ago and the x-ray was just to prove it was broken=the doctors said there was really nothing to do for a broken toe...Hope your Mom's toe feels better soon; glad she had a great time at her reunion...kisses x3 sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
It looks like Mac is really thriving in your home!
Our Mom broke her big toe once and it is very painful! We are sending purrs that your Mom's toe feels better soon!
Owie! I hope your poor toe is OK!
I'm glad you had fun at your party!
Ow! That looks painful.
Ouch is right! That toe looks very tender. Glad you had fun at your reunion & made a reconnect with an old friend :)
WE are so glad Mac is doing so well at your house!
No pics from the reunion? Maybe next time?
We hope your foot gets better very fast!
Mac, yoo seem at home dere on dad's lap, dats gud! Do yoo kneed too, it looks as if yoo is bout to.
Ouch!! That looks sore! Please do go to the doctor! Hope your Dad had a good and Happy Father's Day!
Thanks for stopping by when I was sick. I am feeling much better now! Mom is still worried when this illness may come back though.
How are the 3 of you getting along?
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