Mac: I have been laughing at Kirby and Angle all week. On Monday Mom grabbed them and shoved them in tote bags (PTU) and took them away. They came home smelling and complaining. They had their nails clipped and they were weighed. Both had gained a tiny bit! Dr. H said he was not to upset cause it could have been worse. Angle had to get shots! They were not happy with Mom the rest of the day!
Today I am not laughing but they are! Mom and Dad shoved me in a plastic box (PTU) and took me in the car. I screamed all the way, for hours (it is a mile to Dr. H.'s office!) I met very nice people - Kristy, Joey and Dr. H. - but was not happy with all they did. They stole my blood! They clipped my nails and I got two shots. Dr. H said I was lean and could gain a pound but not to change my diet. If I gain, OK but if not, that is OK, too! He said my teeth looked very good for a senior cat that had not seen a vet in 8 years!
So, I am staying on top of the cat tree cause they are laughing at me!
Oh my! I hate it when I am stolen and have to go to the vet!
That's OK, a great vet report is worth the laughs!
You should laughs with them... them maybe they will stop. Or maybe they won't! I haven't been in the car for several years. I would hate it!
Sorry you had to suffer like that - since you had such a good check up, maybe you won't have to go back for another 8 years!
Mac, that's the problem with laughing when someone else goes to the v*t... we sympathize with you and Kirby and Angel too.
Sorry about the vet visit, but we are so glad to hear all of you had a good report and are in great health!!YAY!!...Hang in there, Mac; we hope next week is better for all of you!...Happy Sunday sweetie...kisses beautiful friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Uh oh, that's what happens when you laugh at them. Glad you all had good vet reports though.
Mac, be careful who you laugh at!! The tables always turn!!
Glad all of you survived the v-e-t and got good reports!
The indignity!
We agree with Sparkle, you should be good to go for at least another eight years.
It's like that old saying "what goes around, comes around", Mac! It had to happen sooner or later, and in your case it was a whole lot later (8 years)!
Glad to know that you're all in good shape.
Sounds awful. Clipped nails and stoled your blood. Icky!
Uh oh, Mac. We are sorry you had to go get your bloods stolen and have shots. I guess we all have our day, don't we?
Mac, we all have to go to that "smelly place" too. We don't like it either but we trust our people know what's best.
Oh, I don't like the smell of "that" place! I am glad you all had good checkups though :)
It's not fun to go to the vet but glad you guys got good reports!
aw, poor Mac.
I am so sorry you all have to go in the car to the Dr. That is always the most horrifying experience, but glad you guys are all ok!
Not seen a vet in 8 years! How'd you convince your humans to go along with that? Now you are a 'senior catizen' you better go every year...purleese
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