Angel has been hatted by our neighbors to the south, Sammy and Andy and their Mom!

Isn't she lovely! Thank you Sammy and Andy and your Mom, too!
If you do not know these two great Texas cats, stop by their place , Sammy and Andy's Place, and get to know them. They also have Admiral From the Adventures of Hestorb
They are always looking for sweet lady cats to Hat!
Angel, your hat looks lovely! The ribbon is purrfect with your purple collar. And wow, do you ever have long whiskers! :-)
Gosh, Angel, you are always so beautiful, but we think mama did a good job of matching your hat to your collar. Thanks for letting her "hat" you.
We luvy'all bunches.
Love that hat on you!
Looking lovely in your bonnet Angel!
How lovely you look! Doesn't Sammy & Andy's Mommy do a great job!!!
So very pretty!
What a wonderful hat. And you look so lovely in it. Just Beautiful... Have a great weekend. Hope you have some place to go with that hat.
You look totally gorgeous Angel!!!
Hello, pretty lady. Purple looks good on you!
Angel, you are breathtakingly beautiful!
We love your matching hat and fashionable!
You look very glamorous in your hat Angel.
Angel, you look beautiful!!
That is a lovely hat you have there, Angel!
The hat is just perfect for you, Angel. You look really good in purple.
How beautiful, Angel! Momma tried to put a hat on Gracie. Let's just say they BOTH need more practice!
Looking great!!
Looking great!!
Angel, yoo is bootiful in dat purple hat!
Cute hat!
Ok, so yesterday Maw turned on the a/c because of the humidity. We had open windows for several weeks, and then she turns on the a/c. Geez.
Luf, Us
Oh Angel, you could be on My Fair Lady in that hat!
Angel looks so beautiful and elegant with the hat on.
Vavavoom! You look so beautiful!
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