Friday, September 18, 2009

Food meter

We have discovered that Angel and Kirby have a food meter. If the quality or quantity is displeasing, they bring out the meter. It started life as a purple pompom with shiny hairs. They had a purple and a blue one. The blue has disappeared and the purple one is very grungy!

It only appears when there is a problem with the fool. We cut their food down by 10% and went to 'lite' food. Kirby put the purple thing in his bowl the first day. Last night we observed Angel putting it in her bowl. It has also landed in the water fountain if the filter is clogged and we have not noticed. As you can see the bowl is empty!

This morning, they were playing happily together under the bathroom door. They chased and ran and were playing nice. Then all of a sudden, the fur was flying and angle was growling, hissing, yowling and trying to get away. The squirt bottle did not even faze Kirby. So He went into time out. I pulled 4 loose clumps of fur off Angel.

Kirby trying to say he is sorry.

Angel thinking about accepting his apology.

When he as released, they made up and are cuddled up on the couch.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh it is so funny that they use that as a meter. We find various cat items (mostly pom poms) in their food and water all the time - but I think it is either that they are trying to claim the food/water as their own, or they are trying to be nice and share the toy with the food/water (we aren't sure why they do it).

It is too bad that what started as a nice playtime ended in anger - that happens so much at our house too. So far the water has worked ok, but we do have times it takes a while. We are going to get a can of the canned air - they hate the sound so that might work - you could try something like that with a loud sound. I am glad they were snuggly later though.

Daisy said...

The purple Food-O-Meter is a great idea, you two!

Ariel said...

Lol...Love the food meter.I'm glad you two made up your both so sweet.
Please go to my blog I've given you an award :)

The Creek Cats said...

Love the food meter, furiends! You are so creative!!
Sorry about the fur flying, though. Happens around here from time to time.

LZ said...

Ugh, I'm starving to death!!!! I feel your pain, it makes me grumpy too.


SeaThreePeeO said...

We're liking the idea of a food meter!

When we play and then the fur starts flying, Shen the dog usually breaks it up.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a pawsome idea! We do not fink to use a meter like dat ourselves.

Cat with a Garden said...

The food meter sounds pawsome, what clever cats you are. We wonder it that argument you had was about the food?

Noll's Nip said...

Love the "food meter" idea. We will have to try that. Usually, when we don't like something, we paw at it as if we were burying something in the litter box :o

The Island Cats said...

Haha! We put stuff in our food dishes sometimes too...but it usually has nothing to do with the quality of the food!

Angel, we know you came by already and saw that Zoey gave you the Island Princess's just for girlcats!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh I hope that fight got made up later.. Not een water stopping it, it must have been some fight.. Hope all is peace now..

Hugs GJ xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That food meter is a good idea. If we have food I don't like, I hook it out with my claw and flick it all over the fridge.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the food meter is so funny! Every now and then Aurora Katrina will go to all the trouble to take a napkin off the counter and place it right over her food! Honest! I've got to get a photo of it next time she does it. It's only a napkin but for some reason Rosemary JOY! thinks it must be voodoo because she won't eat until I take the napkin away and put it in the waste basket! Cats - and people say they have no PURRsonality!

Forever Foster said...

The meter is hilarious! We aren't as imaginative. If we don't like dinner, we just try and trip the humans up.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Hmm. I wonder what happened that the fur flew? Glad everbody made up!

In our house, Tommy has found milk carton rings to her stuffed little animals--especially this moose I like--in the food dish. She wonders why too. Hey, were cats...

Angel and Kirby, tell your mom that Tommy does't think we had pecans last year. We were new in the house--but she doesn't remember the green things on the tree at all.

Have a great Saturday==CALM

The Kitty Krew said...

MOL - we be likin' the ideer of a food meter! Great thing, mateys!

We be happy that ye be makin' up after the fight, and be stayin' friends.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Pirate Krew

D'Artagnan du Chat Noir said...

Brilliant! I eat what my girl gives me - it's all good! - but when my sister Buster doesn't like it, she flips her food bowl. I'll have to tell her about this so she can try it...

Tiger Lily said...

Ahoy mateys! We be glad ye joined us fer Meow Like a Pirate Day!

Anonymous said...

That's is funny! We do not put things in our food bowl, but Gandalf's litter mate Boo Boo likes to put his toys in his water bowl.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Woah, the fur was flying! Glad you two made up and cuddled afterwards!
Pee Ess: what is that purple thingy? Ew!

Emmylou said...

How very polite to have a signal to give when one is displeased! I like that. Now no more fighting...that is impolite-unless it's just play fighting, of course. Have a fun week!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Only one cat in our house needs to diet, and that's Disco. He was going to start his diet when Sunny went off to his new home, but that's on hold for right now and with kittens around, mewmie doesn't want to restrict their feeding, so she'll have to think of something new...and when she does, she is sure Disco will have a food meter too.

quiltcat said...

That food meter is very clever! Sorry to hear that the nice playing turned into fighting...but it's great that it turned back into snuggling!

Everycat said...

Haha! we LOVE the food meter, what a brilliant idea.

Kirby, please don't beat up Angel 'cos next time she might beat up you! We know how tough a girl cat can be ;)

Whicky Wuudler

The Very Best Cats said...

We have a food meter at our house too. It is styrofoam packing pellets. They have been a favorite toy for a long time, but if the food gets too low in the bowl, in goes the styrofoam.