Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Paper bag

Our grocery store did not have plastic bags this weekend so were using paper. I have ask many times for paper and they did not have them! We told the checker that our cats would love the toy she was sending home.

These pictures were taken at close range and do not have the best shots of the cats, but the action was taking place under the dining chair next to me. I had to hold the camera at odd angles because I was afraid that if I moved I would disrupt the fun. The first one was taken blind. I held the camera in front of the bag and clicked.

Kirby is in the bag and Angel is outside and then they swap.

Angel attacks!

Angel taking a different approach!

A little paw action.

Kirby out of the bag and Angel entering.

Angel peeking out at Kirby.

The next move was a chase through the house and now they have disappeared!

I need to learn how to get the camera into video mode quicker! This would have made a great video!


The Creek Cats said...

Oh boy, you're having the best time in that paper bag! We love paper bags too!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love bags. Unfortunately we don't get them here as the Woman uses cloth... sigh.

Anonymous said...

MOL!!! That first picture sure is CLASSIC! My, Kirby, what B~I~G eyes you have!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

Paper bags are the best for games and they are both cat and environmentally friendly too. FAZ

Anonymous said...

Best toys in the world, yes, they certainly are!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Paper bags are the best, better then cardboard boxes even!

CCL Wendy said...

That adorable! Especially that first picture where all you can see is "eyes"!

I guess both Angel and Kirby can fight their way out of a paper bag. Awesome!

Noll's Nip said...

Paper bags! I love to take a long running start and jump into them :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Paper bags are the best fun. We never seem able to get them.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

What neat photo Kirby!! Priceless!!!

Anonymous said...

Paper bags are da bestest toy eveah!

The Island Cats said...

Bags are so fun! You can hide in them and jump on them!!

Lisa said...

Haha, what fun! Rufus is terrified of paper bags. Won't go in them even if you put treats in them!

Chesney Cats said...

Nothin like a good paper bag to play in!!

The Monkeys said...

The picture with you in the bag is priceless, Kirby! We love how wide your eyes are!

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

You guys look like you are having a fun time. We love to play with paper bags, too.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are great pictures but that first one is so cool - just little paws, eyes and an ear. Sometimes those blind pictures turn out awesome!

And boy that is cool that they had paper - those are great for playing it. It looks like they both had so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what fun! We hardly ever get a bag, but we are enjoying many boxes while our Nana and Grampy get ready for a Yard Sale!

The Crew said...

Ahhh yes, nothing like a good game of "bag" to get yourself revved up.

The Kitty Krew said...

Haha! That looks like a lot of fun...we don't get paper bags to play in much. Great photos of you two playing with it!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew


Oh my the proverbial letting the cat outta the bag...a---door-abble!


Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh goodie! I loves paper bags!! Those are great action photos of you and the bags! We especially like that first photo where you can see those eyes peering out!

Pedro said...

Ha ha! The cats in my dawg house love paper bags too! I think cats are very eco-friendly creatures!


Chrissie said...

How funny! What a great time! That first shot was priceless.

Rene said...

Paper bags are great fun! I love the first shot with the huge pupils!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

oh yeah!!! Paper bag fun!

quiltcat said...

Yes, that would have been a great video, especially with crackly paper bag sound effects! but the still pictures are cute, too!