Mom: I had to move the mattress and aim the camera down past the box spring.
Kirby: Why Mom? I was sleeping. The flash woke me up!
Mom: This was a fun shot. I pointed the camera toward the foot of the bed and snapped. I had no idea what I would get. I really could no see his head!
Kirby: OK, Mom. Now that I am awake and up, what do you want?
Mom: Nothing, I got what I wanted! Go back to sleep.
Angel: Hey, Mom! Here is the best tummy shot you are getting. And look it is the three T's.. Tummy, toes, and Tuxedo!
Kirby, you sure are a kyute Tuxie with kyute toesies and tummy!!! Now, go back to your interupted sleep!
Those are the best three Ts we can think of!
You have a lovely belleh. I also hate it when I am woken up by the camera!
Humans are always disturbing us kitty's....Sheesh
Kirby, you are being silly today!
All three T's in one shot.
Those clicky flashy boxes can be soooo annoying sometimes! You gave your Mom a great TTT shot though.
That is a great photo... upside down! Mom says it is fun to shoot into the dark not know exactly how it will turn out!
Grrreat display of the three t's!
It's not right to be woken up when you think you are hidden away.
It's a shame you were woken up, but we're glad your Mom got a pic of your 3 T's! You're so handsome, Kirby
Kirby, don't you hate it when they wake us up just for the flashy box thing and then say "nothing, never mind, go back to sleep"? *Sheesh*
Angel, you're looking adorable in your 3-T's shot!
Hey, Roxy wanted to say thank you for the nice birthday greetings you left for her today! :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I LOVE the full tuxie look--toes and tummy...LOVE IT! Tommy says she wants to tickle you!!
Adorable toes and tummy! Tuxy Tuesday was just made for you!
Those are some fun shots! Mom has to point and shoot and hope for the best whenever she tries to get us in the Condo!
Awesome Tuxie belleh!
Those are cute pictures - sometimes the "aim and hope for the best" pictures turn out great - like this one did!
Humans - what is it with waking us up all the time? FAZ
We is thinkin' that you sure is a purr-ty kitty☺
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