She finished 4. She told us if she did not, she would have to catch and cook the big black birds in the front yard. We told her we would eat the birds for her!
Another Halloween quilt.
Mom: I do not think the large black birds in the yard are actually crows!
She is certainly a busy Woman isn't she?
We gots plenty of crows up heer if'n she needs sum extras!! Seein' alla yur Mom's sewing makes owr Momma want to get sewing again.
~Meeko & Kiara
Those are very nice quilts, but I still don't see what's wrong with eating big black birds!
Those are lovely quilts...Hope you all are having a fun weekend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We thinks that is great that your mom can make such lovely quilts! My mom is too lazy!
Black Birds! Hmmmmm!
What beautiful quilts!! Why can't she do both?
The quilts are very pretty, just add fur and they are purrfect!
Wow! Your mom sure is good and fast at making quilts. Very pretty too!
We wish our mom knew how to quilt. She has no idea. Instead she crochets for other people, because she can't keep any here because hansel tries to eat them.
Angel, Kirby...Your Mom is really talented. She has to be able to share her quilts with the world. I bet she'll just continue to share your blog.
We think YOU guys should get the crows! Four-and-twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie!
The quilts are beautiful. Maybe you can share your blog with your mum like you did with todays post.
I didn't see ANY quilts-I saw youse guys layin' on some comfy blankies, but NO QUILTS!
We love your mom's work. That Halloween quilt is pawsome!
By big black birds did yoo mean crows or ravens? We heard dat ravens were furry big and mean to beans. But dey wud make sum gud eattin!!
OMC, your mom is so talented! My mom loves the wildflower one!
But really, is your blog going to be a quilting blog?
Oh pusskins, how can you object to quilts on your blog when they are so brilliant? And after all, you do get to lay on them!
Oh those are pretty quilts your mom made! We think she is so talented. We hope you don't need to eat the big black birds though (and we wonder if they are Starlings - they kinda look like crows).
Wow, what fantastic quilts!!!
Why, Cats and Quilts go perfectly together...but we don't want your mom to have to eat blackbird pie!
Nice!!! xxoo Patty
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