The sore on Kirby's paw ruptured in the night. The swelling is down, but he had a hole that looked nasty. So he went hack to see Dr. Hector. They shaved the paw and cleaned the wound. He was a good boy and they did not have to sedate him for this procedure. They tell me what a sweetheart he is!

Hey! We are home!

I am out of here, Mom!

this is my
Awww Kirby we are really sorry about your owie...we hope now that you will begin a full recovery.
That ouchie looks pretty darned nasty!
Oh, Kirby, that ouchie looks very ouchie. We hope it heals quickly.
Oh my Kirby, that's gotta at least sting a bit! Purrs my friend!
Oh Kirby! That's gotta be a relief to get the pus out of your footie. We hope you heal up soon, and no more bite wounds!
Ahh, Kirby....I hope your mom is loving all over you! Hope the paw is feelin' better1
PS. Glad you liked the cards!
Oh Kirby, we hope your ouchie heals fast!!
Kirby, that looks painful....
We hope you feel better soon!
Well done for being such a brave kitty!
Oooo, that sore does look icky! I hope it heals up fast!
Ouchie! I hope it heals quickly and you aren't in much pain.
Kirby, I had an ouchie just like yours. I had to have surgery on it, but I wasn't so bad. The doctor said I had a foreign body in there. I still can't figure how a body got in my toe. It healed right up and I got to take a nap. I love naps.
Ouch !
I hope you get better so soon.
Extreme Purring for you
OUCH!! Poor Kirby, we're purring for your paw to feel all better real soon.
Oh sweet Kirby, what a nasty ouchie. You are SUCH a good boy for letting the vet do everything necessary. They want you to heal quickly, you know. We all want you to heal quickly! Sending purrs,
Siena & Chilli
That looks like a nasty ouchie! Lots of purrs, Kirby, that you are better soon! Do you leave it alone or do you have to wear the dreaded cone?
OOh! Bad ouchie. We sure hope that heals fast. That's a terrible place for an ouchie, what with pain walking and all the germies you can pick up.
MEOWZA, sweet Kirby....what an ordeal!!!! We are purraying for a quick healing for you.
Wow Kirby, that does look like a big ouchie. We hopes you'll feel better now that it's all cleaned up!
Eww, Kirby, that looks like it hurts. Sending healing vibes and purrayers for your wounded paw...
Ow, that looks hurty! We hope the worst is over and that he's feeling better now. What a good kitty he was at the vets.
It must feel better now the pressure has gone.We hope your paw soon heals now Kirby.We are sending healing purrs to help it.
Owie! Did you have an abscess, Kirby? We've had a few of those in this house after squabbles. Luckily, not for a while now. Hope you heal up real quick, dear!
Oh noes! We sure hope your paw is better now. That looks super ouchie!
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