Thank you for thinking of us.
1. Link to the blog who gave the award - done that!
2. Say seven things about ourselves that might not be public knowledge
3. Pass this on to seven blogs we think are stylish.1. Angel: I like to get in Mom's lap but I do not lay down. I stand and demand scritches.
2. Kirby: I am very curious. I want to know what is going on all the time.
3. Mac: I tell Dad when it is time for dinner. I start talking to him about 8:30 even though we do not get wet food till 10!
4. Angel: I do not like wet food so much. I like the gravy, so Dad always puts as much gravy in my bolw as he can get out of a can!
5. Kirby: I like company. I am usually the only one that will come out to visit.
6. Mac: I do not like loud or sudden noises. If Mom rattles a plastic bag, I run.
7: All: We all will get on the bed with Mom at night for treats!
Now we are passing it on to:
Banana and Cheese
Maggy May
Mr. Hendrix
Angus Mhor
Congratulations on your award!! We enjoyed learning more about you three!
Cool award! Congratulations! We like reading about you! Those are some really interesting things about all of you!
Concatulations! Angel, I am just like you - I am a lap stander, not a lap layer!
Congrats on such a nice award, y'all really are stylish! I enjoyed reading your list.
Congrats on your award. I love hearing more about you and these are not such well known facts about yourself, until today.
Thanks for passing it on to my. I will have to give this some thought before I decide what to share about myself.
Hope you have a restful Sunday and catch up on some well deserved zzzzs.
Concats on your award! I always like learning new things about the kitties :)
Concatulations on this awesome award and thank you so much for passing it along to me! I feel so honored and will display it with pride in my trophy case!
We would be talking A LOT if we had to wait until 10 for our supper. We get it about 7, but mum only gives us half then. We get the other half when she goes to bed to try and stop us head walking.
Congrats on your award! Angel and Tiggy are kindred spirits. He also likes extra gravy ;)
Congrats on your award! WE can relate to some of those things.
Oh, and mom is saying in the background agian...."Cats are strange creatures".....
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