Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today Dad is doing the laundry shuffle. Kirby is helping as usual.

He was taking a bath in the dryer between loads. Dad always checks to make sure he is out before starting the next load.

He also likes to play sled ride in the hamper lid. He kept getting out when he saw the camera


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love the dryer but Mom always gets so mad at me 'cause she worries she will forget that I am in there and lock me and start the dryer!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Baby here: I jumped in the dryer once and Mom yelled and scared me a lot. She says she wanted to scare me because, even though she would remember to check for me, the other people sharing the laundry in the house might not. Oh, that bedsled looks fun!

Sparkle said...

That sled ride looks like fun - and it looks like everyone wants to get in on the act!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That sure is a nice ride ya got there!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That sled ride looks like fun. We want a go now.
Mum is paranoid about the washing machine. She checks we are not in it and shuts the door then has to open it again and poke at it just to make sure.

The Monkeys said...

That looks like such an awesome sled ride! Have fun, Kirby!

Forever Foster said...

Oh Kirby, I love the hnamper too! It is my favourite bed.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Hi, handsome Kirby.....we bet it's nice and warm in the dryer in between loads!!!!

What fun your bed sled looks!!!!!!!!


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Your Dad is very smart to check the dryer for kitties first!!!

Great video!

Pip said...

WOW that is some good sledding Kirby! You almost has Olympic skills.

Katnip Lounge said...

Sled ride looks like a great game! We play some sorta like that in our box on the floor. We got our dryer fixed this week and The Baby is thrilled to have her fave appliance back in service.

Rene said...

Our people won't let us anywhere near the washing machine or dryer! She says they aren't safe for kitties. We're glad your Dad makes sure you're not in there.

The Island Cats said...

Wow, that sled ride looks like fun!!

Catsparella said...

MOL, that looks like a fun ride!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, how nice you have an 'amusment park' ride right there in your house!

Freya's Staff said...

haha! HE really seems to like playing Sled-ride doesn't he?