We moved the tower to the middle of the room. Could not get pictures of Kirby reaching through the top and pulling the light change to turn the light off!

Kirby is giving us the back of disrespect because we had to take his tower out to make room for the boys to sleep!
I'd show my back too!
Totally NOT fair! The world should revolve around us kitties.
You should do the protest !!!
Sleep on their bed : )
We wish we had seen you turning off the light, Kirby! We're sure you'll get your room back soon!
You can turn your own light switch on and off? That is so cool, Kirby!
MOL.....we think we'd probably do the same thing, Kirby!!!!!!!!
Actually a traveling tower sounds kind of cool!!!
Oo, lookit at that tower!
We like it when we get our trees moved around, it's like a whole new toy. Kirby, you have a cool skill!
Uh Oh... I should not have let the girls read this post..... they want a tower just like yours!
Pretty cool!
Wow, Kirby sure is a smart kitty to be able to turn out the lights!
I hope that the tower will be returned once those beans have gone away again. Otherwise, there's no justice.
Hey, Kirby, we don't like it when our things get moved around either.
Kirby is his own man cat, don't you know!
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