Kirby here:
Mom, Dad, Sisterbean, and all 7 grandkids left last Friday. Then Dad, Sisterbean and youngest grandson came back late Saturday night. Sister and Grandson went on home. Sunday and Monday Dad studied his collage class. We knew Mom would not be home till Thursday.
Then the scary part started. Dad started acting funny. He could not talk or walk straight. He checked his blood sugar and it was sky high. So he called some big noisy men to come get him. They had on funny pants that made a lot of noise (firemen). They took him out of the house on a rolling table.
Late that night, Sister came over to check on us and make sure we had been fed. Mom came home Wednesday morning and went to the hospital to check on dad. She left all of her sewing stuff at Brotherbean's house. All she brought was her cloths!
Friday, Dad told the doctor he wanted to go home. They could not find out what caused his high sugars or fever. All they were doing was giving him something for the fever. So they came home.
Mom had planned to go back to Brother's house on Saturday, but granddaughter got sick and she would not risk bringing a bug home to Dad!
Now she tells me she is going on Sunday to get her sewing machine and other things she left. Dad is going, too if he is feeling up to it. So we are going to be on our own till Monday!
There is way too much excitement going on here! We need a long easy Sunday!
Mom: Every one is back to normal, nothing to worry about. It is 193 miles between home and my Son's house. Google maps tell me it is 3 hours and 23 minutes. I shaved it to 3 hours. I promise I set my cruse control for the appropriate speed limit and I did not stop along the way!
Wow! Too much going on for you guys! We hope your dad is doing better. That musta been kinda scary to have those big men come to your house.
We've had those scary men come to our house and we always get thrown into a room so we can't escape. We hope things are better for your Dad.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
eek! That IS scarey! We're glad your Dad is OK now. Purrs for a quiet week!
Wow! What a stressful week! I hope you all get to relax!
That was scary! We hope your dad is okay.
That is some scary stuff, all right. It sounds like things are OK once more, though. Now take it easy!
That was skeery! We hopes your dad is gettin back to normal. Lots of naps and snuggles are in order. Purrs and purrayers for your family.
Wow, that IS scary! I am glad your male human is feeling better, but I wish they knew what had caused him to have that happen to him in the first place.
oh super scary. We are glad everyone is ok and things are back to normal!
Whoa, that was scary indeed! We're so glad your dad's okay and that things are back to normal!
Hope Dad is doing way better now. I know about the big men coming into the house with the rolling table. I had that trip too.
Here's to less stress and more quality time with Dad and Mom. Make Dad take cat naps with you. He needs to nap often. It works wonders.
Wow, that sounds skeery! I'm glad your dad is feeling better. I'm sure you are taking good care of him!
Oh my goodness, how scary! My sisters and I are sending lots of purrs to your Dad so he can stay healthy!
Oh my! we are so glad that everyone is ok now!!!! what a scary thing to happen!!!!
MEOWZA!!!!!!!!!! That kind of excitement y'all can do without!!!!!!!
We are very happy to hear your Dad is doing okay now.
We are purraying that things will now get back to normal for you darlins' kitties don't really like our routines to be upset!!!!!
We send our love to all of you.
Wow, we hope things settle down soon! Take care of yourselves.
That was very scary. We hope yor dad is okay now.
Wow! That is scary! We hope that your dad is ok! We hope that your mom is safe driving! Is your mom and dad home yet?
wow alot going on glad your dad is better we had alot going on here with G-Ma in oregon life can get scarey for humans sometimes you be good while moms away
We are so glad your dad called the noisypants guys! Mai mom is scared it will happen to HER! She is going to check her blood sugars NOW! xxoo Bhu
Yes, angel is you ;)
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