Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Twin girls

Our Grand kitties, Shadow, Ivan and Illana have new twin sisters. They look like they may be torties! Mom and Dad are going up to see them this weekend and then the summer invasion begins! The 5 grandsons are coming to stay two weeks. WE may not be around much, but Mom will try to make some posts and visit friends.

Meet Lizzy and Emma!


The Monkeys said...

Such adorable little twins! Hello Lizzy and Emma! Nice to meet you!

Brian's Home Blog said...

They sure are little cutie-pies!!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hi Lizzy and Emma! My, you're both such sweeties -- what dolls! Definitely SQUEEEEE worthy!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh squee! How adorable!

Rene said...

Oh, look at those eyes! Soooo cute.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Way cute! We love torties.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh they are adorable! That is so exciting for them to have two new sisters! We are very excited for them to have such a great new home!

Tell Shadow, Ivan and Illyana hi from us - we miss them blogging! And tell Lizzy and Emma welcome and hi from us too!

The Island Cats said...

Well, what a couple of cuties!!

Sparkle said...

They are cute, but I can tell they are looking for trouble! In other words, they are kittens after my own heart.

Mr Puddy said...

Awww !!! They look adorable !!!
and Good Luck for 5 mini humans , Guys !!!!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Lizzy and Emma, yoo sure are kyoot!

Athena said...

Oh my gosh dey are so cute!

The Crew said...

Oh, look at those darling girls!

A few Good Cats said...

They're both Squee-dorable!

Lucky Lady said...

They are so cute I miss not having little ones but I am sure Baby would be jealous