5:25 update. It looks like all the purrs and prayers are helping. Shadow has been released and will be going home. She has a massive inner ear infection. There was a little blood in the ear canal and the eardrum was bulging. She has to be sedated for the Vets to even touch the ear. The infection has affected her balance and they believe the swelling has caused the other neurological symptoms. She is a healthy and young cat and they could not find any other issues that would cause the symptoms. She will have to be given oral meds and ear drops twice a day to fight this. Her regular vet had already put her on antibiotics and that is why there was some improvement. She will be confined for several days in in a very large crate with room for her bed, food and litter pan with a limited contact with the family and out of the light.
The family want to thank each and every one that has been sending good vibes to our girl. We will get around to thanking each of you personally!
I will get one more update when they get home, but that will be late tonight.
12:15 update: They arrived and Shadow has two hours of tests ahead of her. She did well on the ride because they kept the carrier covered. She is like some one with a migraine, if it is dark and quiet, she does fairly well. She seemed to be able to walk a little better today and appeared to eat dome over night. May be being at home with her boy helped. She was talking to the vets ans had started to hyper-salivate when they left her. I will pass on news as we have it. They are thinking this is just going to take time and rest to recover from.
We have dedicated our blog to Shadow and her family this week cause they have not had time to keep every one uprated. I will be posting updates as they com in today.
At 9:20 a.m. Shadow, her Mom and Dad are on the road to the University . Jake stayed home to supervise his 4 younger brothers.
In other news, we have needed rain for days, but Mom said we did not need it in a solid form. We got dime size hail yesterday.

Purrs and good thoughts.
We are sorry we haven't stopped by before now (blame the human). We will be keeping Shadow in our thoughts. We hope the neurologist can figure out what is wrong.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Thanks for keeping us updated on Shadow!
Thanks for keeping us updated on Shadow - we all completely understand why her mom has had a tough time updating because she definately has more important things to be concerned with right now, but it is great that you are able to post updates for her. We are still using our best purrs and prayers for her and her family hoping the neurologist can help out.
Will be looking for updates on Shadow, thanks for keeping track for us! Still purring for her here...
We got that freak rain/hail storm through here around 6pm yesterday. Really weird!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We will keep checking our new reader for a new post on Shadow! We really appreciate your updates!
We'll be revving up our pawsitive vibes for Shadow today. And wow, those are some big pieces of hail!
Bless Shadow's heart! We purray for a good update!
That must be scary to have to see a neurologist. Purrs and purrs and purrs coming over to Shadow.
We did not get any solid rain at my house like you did.
Poor little dear, I can see how that would affect her balance for sure. Hugs to all of you, and the kitties are still sending their purrrrrrs!
The Mommy and The Kitty Krew
We are purring so very hard for Shadow and his boy, is a very horrible thing :(
Oh, I am so happy to read the newest update! I checked before I left work and must have just missed it. We are still sending our purrs and prayers for a quick and complete recovery. I am sure everyone in the house, especially Jake is breathing a sigh of relief, like we all are.
Such a wonderful update about Shadow! We're so happy that it is not something else (although poor thing with the ear infection).
Thank you for the update. I hope Shadow can begin healing now they know what is wrong.
Kirby, we are sorry we weren't here sooner to know about Shadow. Poor baby. We are glad she is better and that you are sharing what you find out. Our positive thoughts will be sent her way. We felines have to stick together.
Thanks for the news on Shadow!
We're glad they made it home and hope that Shadow will continue to improve with medication and being home with her boy. Purrs will keep coming, and hugs from The Mommy to you all.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We have been purring for Shadow! Glad that she can be helped!
Oops! We wanted to say that is some big hail!
Such good news. An ear infection is the less worst we were fearing. Phew. A big yay to Shadow and to her family that takes good care of her!
Get better soon, Shadow!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Dearest Angel and Kirby! You are both so special to give us updates on Shadow. I have been thinking about her so much. I had such a bad ear infection before I had my surgery. Mommy is still fussing with my ears to keep them clean each week.
I want to tell you that this Sunday I will be featuring a beautiful salt and pepper shaker set for CatArt Sunday. It is a white kitty sitting in an overstuffed armchair. I will auction it off in hope of raising a little bit of green papers to help Shadows mommy and daddy (ARMY people are very special to us!)with the vet bills. I know it will not be much, but I do it in great love because I care and wish to help in my small way.
So if you want to feature the set on your blog and direct traffic to my blog that would be great.
All my love, Miss Peach
How very kind of you to keep everyone updated on the situation on Shadow's behalf. I am sure the doctors will be able to get to the bottom of this. As for the hail, that is unbelievable. We're back to 110 degree heat here. :(
Thank you for all the Shadow updates. We hope Shadow will get well quickly now that the problem is diagnosed and treated.
I am so glad to hear that they have found something fixable--and a reasonably easy fix at that--we were quite worried it was something worse.
Purrs for her continued recovery!
We are sending lots of purrs for Shadow!!!
We are so glad to hear that Shadow's balance problem was an ear infection. It is treatable and she should get better quickly. We are now purring for a speedy recovery.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
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