This does not happen often to have all three on the bed. They do seem to be getting along better. Angel and Mac have been nose to nose with out any growling. hissing or slapping.
Angel is making biscuits in the back and Kirby and Mac are sharing the green quilt!
We are wondering if they all settled in together? Our big bed is the equalizer for us.
Look at you three getting along. How wonderful!
Hooray, y'all really can do it!
We are glad to see you all getting along together.
Hey! You are doing a good job there being close to one another! I won't lets anyone sit close to me for long! Jazzie is always jealous of me!
Oh it's lovely when everyone gets along. We are still waiting for that...
That is great that you're all getting along! At least today.
Look at YOU! The best way to take time out on this kinda chilly Sunday. Quilts!!You mom is so crafty! Tommy wants to know (and I"m not sure why, she can't put a button back on anything)Does your mom use a sewing machine to quilt?
We're glad you all are getting along better!!
Togetherness is what we teach here at our house. It's a shame we have such bad students. Long time since we've had all four on the bed at the same time. Last time I was under the pile and couldn't take a picture.
Well, someday ......
Bed looks good with the whole family of purrballs together. Something to work for.
That's the way it's supposed to be on a restful Sunday!
Aaah... the beginnings of a furry happy family! We like!!!
~Slash & Bronzy
I am so glad that you are all getting along better. Keep it up and soon you will be able to get together in a nap pile.
Awwww! Isn't that a marvelous picture? I know I love it when I can get all three of mine in the same frame.
They seem to be a happy, kitty family -- at least for the moment. Perhaps naptime is truce time.
Everyone looks very cozy!
Looks so snugglish!
YEAH for triple kitties! We know how rare that event can be.
You all look comfy and happy there! About the only time the 3 of us settle down together is on the bed after everyone human is asleep.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs & tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi & Tiger Lily
kneeding bisquits in the back and waiting patiently in the front!
i LOVE when i walk in a room and all 4 of our cats are having a slumber party.
it warms my heart.
great photo memory captured here !
Pawsome! Now if Mooch kitteh wud just get alongs wif Shadow and Molly (or vice versa) we'd has that same piccy. We dun fink its goin to happen anytime soon though.
I is Jake!!
Easy like Sunday!
We would have to say that sharing bed space is a big step forward!
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