Saturday, May 23, 2009

Crazy Caterday

We want to wish very special Happy birthday to Mommy ML! We thinks she keeps all the kitty blogosphere running!

It has been a crazy day here. Mom and Dad are working in the bathroom and Mom is handing out Girl Scout Cookie awards to troops. That means there are a lot of people coming to the house. Mom also had a baby shower to go to. Dad went to get lunch and it came in a big brown bag with handles. Kirby got in the bag to play. Illyana got in with him. Mom and Dad are not sure exactly what happened next. All they know is Illyana was screaming and trying to get away from the bag. Then Dad realized she was hung. They thought she had her claw snagged in the bag. Mon grabbed her. That was probably not the smartest move, but she had to do something. She got her hand the scruff of Illyana's neck and tried to hold her. Dad garbed his work gloves to help. That is when they both realized that the kitten had her head through the handle of the bag. She had made several three feat high jumps and twists, so the handle was twisted around her neck. Dad Grabbed the kitchen scissors and they finally got the handle cut away. Mom has about 10 scratches and puncture wounds on each hand and arm. Dad had some, but no as many.

When Illyana was released, she took off. Angel must have thought Kirby had hurt the kitten cause they were in the sack together. She got real low to the ground, proofed her tail and started growling and stalking Kirby! Mom and Dad both started trying to calm her down. Kirby must have thought he was in trouble because he ran. He would not come to Dad or Mom and did not want to be in the same room as Angel.

Every time Mom approached Kirby and Illyana they ran under the bed. Angel let Mom touch her and then pick her up. They know the blood and fear smell made the calming process take longer. Then Mom offered treats to get them to come to her. Kirby was having nothing to do with it. Mom kept creeping closer to him and was able to touch him. He did let her pick him up before she went to the party. When Illyana saw that mom had held both Angel and Kirby she started calming down.

THrough all of this, Dad was blaming himself cause he put the sack down for them.
Mom is still trying to convince every one that it was a weird accident and no cats were hurt. Mom and Dad were hurt, but they understand why!

Illyana had been real skittish of Dad before this happened. After Mom went to the party, she got up in his lap and then his arms and purred and went to sleep on him. All work on the bathroom came to a halt so they could comfort each other.

Every one is OK now. Angel is still nervous and hiding but Kirby and Illyana are back to playing. Dad is working in the bathroom and Mom should be!

Sorry, no kitty pictures today. Mom could post pictures of her ouchies but you really don't want to see them!

Moral to this story: Cut the blasted handles off the paper bags before giving them to the cats to play with!


Anonymous said...

Oh you poor guys it is a horrible feeling. We did a post about kitties and bags, momma never leaves anything that can get twisted around little babies necks, not their toys with strings nor even her handbag, a cause when little kitties play they jump around etc and , well it just so quickly happens.
Momma bought a toy that you hang over the door on a string .. a proper cat toy, and thinking she was a good momma always supervised Mushka while she was playing with it. One morning while Mushka was having a supervised play, momma though ": it wouldn't hurt" and left Mushka for no more than 30 seconds to pour her tea to steep from the boiled jug, when she heard a funny noise, run in to look and Mushka had twisted the string around her neck and was choking.. luckily it all ended well and momma cried for days at her stupidity, but now she is extra cautions with everything.. anything longer than her finger gets put away.
Don't ya hate how life teaches us lessons rather than just a "warning light fashes up first"..
warm hugs to you all it is a horrible experience :)))

Unknown said...

Oh gosh Mom... I am so glad you are all ok!

Shadow: *sigh* she's crying again... Glad you saved the day Nanna! PaPa...not your fault.. We still love you.. the event will fade with time and purrs!

quiltcat said...

My goodness what a horrible experience for everybody! thank goodness it all turned out o.k. Now you have to work at regaining all 3 kitties' trust...and make sure those scratches and punctures don't get infected!

Kimo and Sabi said...

YIKES! That wuz a furry scary story - we will be furry careful from now on!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Scary! Spooky here got her head caught in the handle of a paper bag once.... long ago! Nothing got scratched!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh no how awful for you all. I was caught in a plastic bag handle once and it is real scary for all concerned. Your was even more so. Glad you are getting back to normal. Your mum and dad mustn't blane each other as these things do happen. So ong as all ok in the end. The trust will return.

Hugs GJ x

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh noes, we're really sorry that this happened. We even feel a bit bad because we show pictures of us playing with paper bags and we didn't say that mom always cuts the handles off. She read this advice once and always did it - thinking that she's too cautious. Mom once left a dangling toy on a string attached to our cat tree. In the morning she woke up because Chilli was screaming. Chilli hung with her bottom up from the cattree, only slighty touching the ground with her front paws: The string had twisted itself around her tail! Purrs to you. Don't feel too bad that this happend, but happy that everything went okay. Lot's of soothing noselicks, Siena & Chilli

CCL Wendy said...

Oh, we are so sorry that you got hurt, mama! Also that Illyana was almost strangled by those nasty handles. Poor little thing didn't know what was going on. We're glad efurryone is OK -- all three kitties, and dad, too -- who somehow came up smelling like roses on this one according to Illyana.

We hope your wounds heal quickly cuz you were just trying to help!

The Island Cats said...

Oh that musta been really scary! Mom is so careful with those plastic bags around us cuz I almost got caught once too....


Parker said...

That happened to Powder when she was a kitten, to this day she is scared of bags!
Glad everyone is OK and I am sorry your Mom has owies now!

Christine and FAZ said...

Boy o boy. You guys sure are busy. FAZ

The Island Cats said...

Hi Angel! Yep, I'm a polydactyl...I got 7 claws on each of my front feets and 5 on each of my back! I need to learn how to use my thumbs though...


Anonymous said...

That sounds like it was very askeery for a few seconds! Mom always assumes a worst case scenario and tries to head trouble off, but you can't think of absolutely everything!

You should see the scar Mom has from Tucker Scissorhands. It's akshully how Tucker got his nickname!

Pedro said...

Whoa, that sounds like way too much excitement for a Saturday. I'm glad all the kitties are ok and hope your mom's scratches will heal up soon. Kittens sure can get into alot of trouble!


Anonymous said...

Keep an eye on those hands. The same thing happened to me a few years' back and I ended up in the hospital. If there is a lot of swelling get into the emergency room ASAP! Cat bites and claws are serious business and can be deadly.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

My mom was laughing out loud at this post! I am glad you guys are ok, but I had a similar experience with a brown paper bag with handles! Mom still laughs at me and I don't think it is one bit funny.
When I was young, I crawled into a bag too and got hung in the handle. Well, I freaked out, and started running around the house, with the bag around my neck. My mom was running after me trying to make me stop running, scaring me more, and then I started peeing out of being so scared. There was pee all over the house, and all over me. Boy was I scared. Finally I let me mom get the bag off my neck. From that day on, my mom always cuts off the handles of paper bags.