Kirby: When they got home, they told their Mom about it. She questioned Mom as to why she did not get it! Our Mom said she was not doing any thing till she got approval from the boys family. After all there are 5 boys, 4 dogs, one cat and 2 parents in the house.
Angel: The boys Mom called their Dad and he said, yes, I want the kitten. Our Mom called our Dad and he went to PetSmart to see if she was still available and start the adoption process.
Kirby: The next morning, Mom and her DIL, went to appointments and to run errands. They ended up at the base hospital for lab work. As they were backing out of the parking log, a lady was talking to a tiny grey kitten. Mom said, 'Well, there is your Russian Blue'. Mom stopped the car and picked up the baby.
Angel: The lady said it was a stray and just came up to her. She already had 3 kitties and could not take another one. So off to the vet to have this grey baby checked out. Meet Ivan!

Kirby: His name has changed several times in 24 hours, but has stuck at Crazy Ivan. His new Mom said it was fate that they found him. His new Dad said continue with the other adoption cause we really don't know id Ivan is a Russian Blue.
Angel: Mom got three pictures on him on her cell phone and he was sitting on the dash of her car! Shadow posted a picture on her blog today, too. Mom and Dad will pick up Tatiana on Monday and hold her till they can get her to their son!
Mom: I don't believe Ivan was a feral kitten. He was too social. He snuggled to us with our any hesitation. He knew what kitten food was and started chowing down. He also knew what a litter box was for! I suspect someone left him and may be his kitty family on the parking lot, although, we did not see any other cats around. He has a loving family and is getting to know the boys and Shadow today.
That is a great story - I am glad to hear that the kitten got a good home. It was such luck that your mom found that kitty! I bet he will love his new home. And I am glad they are keeping up the adoption with the little girl kitty too - I hope things work out well for all the kitties involved!
Wow, talk about fate! This is a great story about how Ivan was found! We are so glad he is going to have a loving home and no longer living in a parking lot!
Ivan has taken to napping in the crook of Mom's neck. He is very calm when facing me... Honestly he ignores me while I hiss and growl in his face. He is loved and cherished. They tell me I will grow to love him too!
Oh Ivan looks like a sweet kitty! We think he was meant to be found!!
I'm still liking Illyana better than Tatiana.
What a great story! Ivan is adorable! He is one lucky kitty to have found a wonderful forever home.
That's such a sweet story! Ivan is a very lucky kitty!
He is one lucky kitty boy and so cute too!
so cute and so lucky!
Welcome Ivan
cute kitty thanks for always stopping by my blog yes they were spraying the rice field boy he was closer then I though lol
what a lucky kitty! he sure was in the right place at the right time. A thought about Tatiana is that she's probably as much a Russian Blue as Ivan is...the people in the shelter probably looked at her color and said "Russian Blue" without having any real pedigree.
Ivan is an adorable little thing. We are glad that he and Tatiana are getting a new home.
He is quite a wonderful looking cat and how very lucky.
Oh how lovely is that. That is sure fate for the kitten to be there just as you were. He now has a loving home. Welcome Ivan. Nice name. I hope there were not any more of his fsmily left there though.
Hugs GJ x
Wow! Did we get it right that they just adopted two kitten? That's the best way anyway. We agree with the quiltcats on the pedigree though. Only if they have the typical green eyes when they are grown up they might be Russian Blue. Russian Blues are really expensive here, they sell at € 750, so it's hard for us to imagine that someone should just leave them. What a tale!
I just love those kind of happy, happy, happy stories.
Congratulations to little Crazy Ivan! That sure is a happy story.
What a great gotcha story! I'm sure Ivan feels very lucky to be a member of your family. I love the name as well - very fitting for a Russian Blue!
Angel and Kirby, what a great story with a happy ending. Thanks for sharing that with us. Any time a kitty gets a loving home, that is good mews.
So 2 gray kittens get a great new Forever Home! Hooray!
The day I got Gandalf he was 3 weeks old, and I saw Grayson in the holding cage. He came home with me, too! :-D
Many people mistake Gandalf to be a Russian Blue, but he is a gray tabby. His stripes disappeared as he grew, and his eyes aren't quite as green as a Russian Blue. Do I care? Not in the least!
Ivan is one lucky kitty. Welcome Ivan!
Opsss!! My mom made a big boo boo! I wanted to say that is a great story! You are getting 2 new kitties at once! Both of them are very lucky.
Awwwwww.....Ivan is a cutie!! And that is so coll that your Mom rescued him!
Your FL furiends,
What a great story! Ivan is in a wonderful forever home! I just know everybody will like everybody!
Such a cute kitty! My mom loves that color cat. She had one once named Gracie.
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