Thursday, May 14, 2009

More encounters

We have been spending more time with Illyana. Kirby is learning how to play with her. He does have a male dominance complex and wants to play 'house' , but she is fast and so tiny that she gets away from him. I am not comfortable turning her loose yet.

Kirby: She is fun. I know I got to share her toys. But that purple feather is the best! I can't resist! Mom keeps an eye on me and doesn't let me get too aggressive. Mom lets me have a turn playing too.

Angel: I am still undecided about the little thing. She looks like she would be fun to chase! But I can't get over hissing and growling at her. Mom opens the door and lets us have access if we want it, but I am still setting at the door and watching. The purple feather does look fun!

Mom: She escaped last night and ran up and down the hall. She went into a different bedroom to explore. She would run back to her room and then down the hall again. Angel guarded the open end of the hall to make sure she did not get too far away. Kirby followed her to see what she was up too.

So far so good. After only 3 days we are getting along better than I thought. I feel sorry for Illyana cause she will have to readjust to a whole new family and house, soon.

Last night we played feather chase with Kirby and Angel. Two feathers so they did not have to share. They ran and jumped for thirty minutes. Both went to bed and slept all night. No jumping on each other or fussing. I have a calming spray , not Feliway - I could not find any of it locally- that I have sprayed on the Green quilt and on the door to Illyana's room. Can't tell if it helps, but I will continue trying it. I have decided it is Male mating instinct that is the problem.


The Creek Cats said...

So glad to hear all is well with Illyana and everyone is getting along well!

The Monkeys said...

Illyana is so cute! I'm sure she'll adjust well at the new house.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Illyana is so cute - I am glad that she and Kirby get along. I wouldn't worry too much about the next house switch - I bet this will actually help with the transition because she will be used to being around different cats.

Lisa said...

Illyana is painfully cute! It's good to give them some play to wear them out a little. Take the heat off the new one. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh whew we was on our seats to see if yoo had a new sisfur to play wif. We is trin to catch up cuz the mom gots real lazy lately.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad that everyone is settling in.

Whitey said...

Illyana, you and I are so lucky to be off the streets and have a family that will take care of us!

I am much older than you are and do not seem to care for feathers, but I sure like to sit on Mom's desk and papers to help her work!

The Island Cats said...

Just take it slow, Angel, and we're sure you'll all be good furiends in no time!

Noll's Nip said...

Oh to have a kitten sweet that would be! Enjoy her!

Forever Foster said...

New kitties can be lots of fun when you've had a chance to get used to them:) And new toys to share are wonderful!:)

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Glad that things are a little calmer today. We hope things continue to go well.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Illyana, yoo are just soooo cute. Funny, but in dis house Speedy, da only mancat, is da only one mom can trust around strange kitties. He just makes frends wif EFFURYONE. Even da momcats dat come to be fostered wif da babies trust him. Must be a purrsonality thing.

Mr. Hendrix said...

First my mommy says it is the Male Mating instinct that causes all kindsa problems starting in kindergarden...hahaha

Second, I'm sorry you don't get to keep your little Illyana toy. She looks like fun, and is awfully cute. Will she have kitty siblings in her new home?

The Creek Cats said...

Thanks so much for your kind words for our mom!

Emmylou said...

She looks like fun. Hope you will be good friends in time so you can visit eachother.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I am sure you will get along better as time goes on! But mom thinks it takes time! I used to be real jealous of Spooky, and Dandelion... (Dandelion went to the bridge 2 years ago). Now I can get at least two feet from Spooky without causing a ruckus! But I am still a little jealous!

Anonymous said...

My Mama seems to have totally fallen for Illyana! She thinks she's gorgeous! Actually, I think so too!
And guess what?! She is one of the few cat bloggers who are younger than me (I am 7 months old)!!!!

- Sherkhan