Mom ended the post yesterday to investigate what Illyana and Kirby were into. She could smell something. Mom builds miniature furniture and some times uses tung oil to make them shine. She has not had time for this hobby in the past few years but is getting back into it. She had pulled a plastic bottle of tung oil out and left it on the work bench. it was in a bottle similar to this.

Some cat had knocked it off the bench ans since it was old, the plastic was brittle and the bottom broke out! Illyana had stepped in it and then on the work bench; Mom could see her tiny foot prints. Then che came to the computer where Mom was and patter Mom on the face and then shook her hand. That is when mom smelled the oil! She did not get any pictures cause she was more concerned about cleaning it up and making sure it was not on any cats. She only found one front paw on Illyana and she got a Foot Bath. Mom held her by the scruff of the neck and washed her foot with Dawn and warm water. She did not like it,at all! Then Mom user a whole roll of paper towels to wipe up the slime. Since it was old, it had gelled. Then she used Dawn and water and scrubbed the carpet. Yep, indoor/outdoor carpet, not vinyl or wood floors! It is still sticky and still smells, but we are staying away from it!
Today , Illyana boxed Kirby

and Angel!

Oh no! Sounds like your mom had a big ol mess to clean up! Sorry about the foot bath Illyana!
I guess it's a good thing the tung oil had gelled so it didn't spread as far as it might have otherwise...what a mess to clean up!
Lovely picture of Ilyana in the box with Kirby! I hope Shadow will love her as much.
Looks like Illy is hunting Angel's tail!
Oh no! A bath--even a foot bath! I'm sorry.
Oh I agree a bath " shudder " even if it was just feet. But your poor mum what a mess to clean up. Sticky is not good to clean up. Mum sends your mum her sympathy.
Hugs GJ xx
Kittens can find mischief just about anywhere! Have fun Illyana!
cats are not cats without a little bit of high jinx......
Oh what a mess your mom had! We're glad to hear no cat stepped in it...much...
We is glad yoo kittehs stayed away from da smelly stuffs. Illyana, Trooder kitteh gets a butt bath at least once a week (hims furs are so long dat pooh sticks to it). Shhhhh dun tell hims we told yoo tho!
Oh, those are such cute pictures! I am not surprised that Illyana needed a foot bath - I am convinced kittens will stick their feet in anything to explore. I have had to do that with all the kitties a few times! I have to say the picture in my mind of her coming up to pat your mom's face is priceless in my mind - like "hey mom look what I did".
How adorable is that picture with Kirby and Illyana in the box togefur!!! So sweet!
I guess it wasn't so sweet that little kitty knocked over the tung oil and caused such havoc, but she is only a baby and didn't know any better. Most importantly, she didn't suffer any ill effects, I hope.
Angel looks so angelic checking out the contents of the box, too!
Oh noes! You hads to has your foots washed! I is so sorry. I luvs to gets into momma's stuff its fun but not when you makes sticky mess huh!
Oh! That sounds horrid.
Thank you for celebrating Christmas in July with us. The partner list is now up come check out who you'll be exchanging with.
Hmmm doll house furniture? Cool! That is a really neat picture of Ilyana in the box there! How sweet!
Also, we want you to know we have given you an award! You can pick it up on our blog! Don't know if you have it yet!
Hmmmmm ~ that sounds a lot more dangerous to a kitty than the caked on mud Mom found all over Sushi's face a couple days ago. A foot bath is not fun!
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