Saturday, May 16, 2009

Illyana has the run of the house

We have been letting Illyanna run through the house with the exception of a couple of room.

Either Angel or Kirby follow her everywhere. They are playing, Kirby more then Angel, and having fun. Some one is always chasing someone else. I hear crying ans start to scold Kirby and he is setting at my feet and the crying comes from down the hall. Illyana chases Kibby as much as she chases him. SHe can slip past him and hide and he will hunt everwhere for her. WHen she gets tired, she finds me and gets in my lap. I will put her in her room for a while and everycat takes a nap! I have to hide her food in a drawer or Kirby will eat it! She does stay in her room at night. She met Jake's cousins today and tolorated them very well, even the three year old.

The remodel project progressed more this weekend, but is still not finished. We are down to painting, installing floor tile and putting the toilet back in!

She has the run on my Granddaughter's Madeline doll house, too!


Anonymous said...

You got a nice photo of sweet little Illyanna. The way you describe her, she runs around so much it must be hard to find her standing still!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I bet she enjoys the chasing. Kits usually do!

Reese =^..^= said...

Are those giant cats? mewmewmew Just kitten.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Kittens are lots of fun! But they are little only once!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the joys of kittenhood! Illyana is having the best time!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

She is so lovely, you enjoy while she is so small, they grow so fast.

Mum says Adorable....

Hugs GJ x

CCL Wendy said...

It sounds like you and your kitties are really enjoying your little house guest. What a sweetie-pie she is, too! Kittens sure have lots of energy and they tucker efurryone out.

By the way, you were asking if Dante was branching out -- well, he's had his own blog since shortly after I started the one for the 3-D Cats. Dante has his own following, even before we joined the blogosphere, so he does double duty as part of the 3-Ds, and on his own. Check it out from time to time. We notice you left a comment. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

We tink it iz a good thingie ta be nice ta da widdle kittiez dat come ta lib wif youz. Dey is new and widdle an' needz ta knowz dat other kittiez are happie dat dey iz dere☺

Daisy said...

Illyana looks so cute in the dollhouse!

Percy the Cat said...

That looks like fun, to play in a dollhouse. I'm afraid that I am too big for that. Illyanna looks like a very sweet little kitty.

Cat with a Garden said...

That sounds like some mayor fun at your house. Well, except the remodeling maybe... ; )

The Island Cats said...

It's so nice that they are getting along...but we know how much trouble kittens can get into!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Illyanna is beautiful! She's growing very fast...bigger than the refrigerator already! It's wonderful that she and Ivan are around the same age and will grow up together. They will have sooooo much fun.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

ahh...looks like Illyana is making herself to home! She's getting her workout in!

Ailurophile said...

Illyana is very cute, as are the rest of your puretty kitties :)

Flamincatdesigns said...

So cute! She isn't going to fit in that house very long. I think she needs a bigger one.

Zeus said...

What a fun photo of the little one in the doll house! I am sure it is a bit hectic at the moment, but soon enough, Angel and Kirby should settle.

Noll's Nip said...

Did you find anything tastey in your little fridge sweet Illyanna?

Amy & the house of cats said...

Sounds like they are starting to get along which is such a good thing! She looks so cute in the dollhouse!

quiltcat said...

Sounds like things started a bit rough and already are getting much better. And Illyana sounds very cute and very adaptable, both to people and to cats, so i hope she does great when she moves in with Shadow and his family.